WordPress development checklist for 2018

November 30, 2021 0 Comments

It looks great when someone shows their website and drives us crazy or motivates us or even encourages us to do the same. But it is not as easy as it sounds and especially for beginners the start phase seems to be the hardest part as they are never ready for the same thing. It’s hard to remember everything when setting up the website and that’s where the “Checklist” comes in. It helps users and developers while avoiding suffering through a long and exhausting hour of browsing.

It can be said that the first query that pops into your mind, this checklist will provide the answer to that very query. The most vital or significant part is the development part. As it consists of several configurations and changes that must be made during the development process, so that nothing essential is never lost; Make sure your website includes all critical security and protection measures to prevent hackers or exposing vital information. So, we will discuss even the smallest possibility or factor required for development here.

So where do you start? It doesn’t matter if someone is an expert or just a beginner / beginner, the checklist will certainly be of benefit to everyone in this complicated phase of development. So please follow the list outlined below:

• Delete default content: confirm that all default content, such as posts, comments, etc. they are deleted as there is no test data left when starting the process.

• Update menu: menu can be added in appearances> Menu section, according to the site map.

• Use Dash for URLs: Always consider using “-” in your URLs instead of “_”.

• Add blog categories: you can add it, under Post> Categories, and the appropriate blog categories.

• Use alternative text: You must add alternative text to all images on the website. The friendly search images plugin can be used which helps to improve the overall performance.

• Add tags and media: You can insert files, posts, and tags after adding blog categories.

• Create a sitemap: After that, it is imperative to create a valid sitemap of the website. You can do this in Word or even Excel format and add all your pages in it. It will help you describe your product and business.

• Make a list of add-ons:

 SeedProd coming soon

 WordPress SEO by Yoast

 Google Analytics by Yoast

 BackUpWordPress

 Backup WordPress to Dropbox

 Broken Link Checker

 Redirection

 Contact form 7

 BBQ: Block bad queries

 WP-Optimize

 WP-PageNavi

 WP Super Cache

 iThemes Security

 Revision control

 Error log monitor

• Create social profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ fan page, which will help a lot in promoting in today’s digital world.

• Check for content overflow – Make sure there are no posts with images that exceed the content layout limit or are too large for the content column. It can degrade the overall quality of the product.

• Highlight Author’s Comments – Make sure the author’s comment is highlighted separately so that one can differentiate it from the others.

• Delete Lorem Ipsum – Lastly, be sure to delete all Loren Ipsum text on the website.

• Change blog category: You can change the blog category in Posts> Categories. You can rename the “Uncategorized” section to set a default category for posts.

• Sticky Post Style: You can design sticky posts well and make sure they work well.

• Add social icons: You can insert icons / media links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. which will help to connect the user socially among others. You can use the AddThis, ShareThis or Share Bar plug-ins to provide the maximum amount of resources available to the user.

• Add closed comment message: the comment display form is replaced with a ‘Comments Off’ message or something similar that will help the user to add or share their valuable opinions easily.

• Use Breadcrumb: For easier navigation, use Breadcrumbs. It is part of the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin that makes the user’s work much easier.

• Use Gravatars: check that User Avatars or Gravatars are displayed correctly.

• Test search page: Check if users can access the search page. You can check by browsing to http://yoursite.com/?s=Test, so that in case it doesn’t work, you can rectify it only at the end.

• Create 404 Page: Ensures that the 404 page is created and customized. Although most topics have a default page for content that cannot be found, you should consider setting up a custom 404 error page, so that the user is aware of it.

• Link Logo: Links the company logo to the home page through which the user must always be aware of the company.

• Use and test pagination: Test pagination using the WP-PageNavi plugin.

• Add Favicon – Add Custom Favicon using the Custom Favicon Plugin.

If that is all. Congratulations on completing the most difficult phase of creating a website. Although a bit long, we all want a checklist that will be useful for everyone.

Source: WordPress Development Company

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