How to convert an IP address to a 10-digit decimal number

November 21, 2021 0 Comments

The Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique 4-digit number to distinguish and use network nodes across the Internet throughout the world.

Any website / domain or computer connected to the world wide web has a unique IP address. Using a DNS lookup tool, we can translate any website domain name to its original IP address.

What we are going to do now is one more step, we will convert the dotted IP address to a 10 digit decimal format.

Why should this be useful?

Well, you can use your imagination on this, some suggestions are that it could be useful for programming network applications, bypassing restricted access websites instead of using a proxy server, just to name a few.

Step 1:

Perform a DNS (Domain Name Service) lookup on any free online DNS lookup tool for the desired domain (we’ll use, for example).

For a DNS lookup tool, you can find many free ones on the Google search engine.

However, we could just ping the domain name from the Windows XP command prompt:

Start> Programs> Accessories> “Command Prompt”

Then write:


And you will get a reply with the real IP address of the domain as follows:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C: Documents and settings Administrator> ping

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Response from bytes = 32 time = 197ms TTL = 235 Response from bytes = 32 time = 191ms TTL = 235 Response from bytes = 32 time = 246ms TTL = 235 Response from : bytes = 32 time = 185 ms TTL = 235

Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round-trip times in milliseconds: Minimum = 185 ms, Maximum = 246 ms, Average = 204 ms

As you can see above, the equivalent IP address for the domain is

We will write it.

Note that the IP address in the ping results above may be different from the IP address that you can get yourself, but both IP addresses will generate valid results as Google has multiple servers.

Step 2:

We will use this equation to calculate the last 10 decimal digits of the IP address number: IP address (we got it from the first step) =

Original format:

IP address = wxyz =


Decimal number of IP = 16777216 * w + 65536 * x + 256 * y + z

Now we will replace the variables w, x, y, z with the original IP address numbers.

W = 64

X = 233

Y = 187

Z = 99

Calculating the equation:

= 16777216 * 64 + 65536 * 233 + 256 * 187 + 99

At this point, we can use the calculator that comes integrated with all versions of Windows or do it by hand on a sheet of paper:

= 1073741824 + 15269888 + 47872 + 99

Final value:

= 1089059683

Step 3:

Now, open your favorite web browser and type this in the address bar:


Or with the trailing slash will produce the same results:


And hit Enter

Now, it should redirect to the home page in your browser.

That is all. You can now apply the same procedures to convert any desired IP address to the rare 10-digit decimal format.

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