One step closer to bankruptcy

July 31, 2022 0 Comments

I’ve written a couple of articles so far on the fall of GM and Ford, though I’ve mostly focused on GM. GM announced today that it will offer some 113,000 hourly employees a six-figure severance package to walk away and waive their rights to health care benefits. If I were in the shoes of some …

The many advantages of starting with a business model innovation first

July 31, 2022 0 Comments

When studying successful business model innovations, I often notice the theme of developing close relationships with important customer and non-customer stakeholders: 1. For example, Education Management (a trade school in arts education) sought to provide a more productive employee to larger local, regional, and national employers, while making it more financially attractive to obtain this …

How to buy a used tractor and save thousands of dollars

July 31, 2022 0 Comments

The secret to getting a good deal on a used tractor is having information. Start by learning how to quickly determine the age, condition, and average selling price of any used tractor make and model. Then know which problem areas to watch closely. The final step is to learn the seven negotiating statements that will …

Over-regulation in building codes and certification due to climate change alarmists is stifling growth

July 30, 2022 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered why rents are so high? Well, people with income properties are dealing with supply and demand, as supply remains constant due to ROI challenges to build new apartments, and demand increases, prices will not go down. What many do not understand is that all this Agenda 21 or now called Agenda …

Gout treatment: 10 tips to relieve pain

July 30, 2022 0 Comments

When you wake up at 2am with excruciating pain in your big toe, or elsewhere, you need fast pain relief! If you are prone to gout attacks or have a history of gout in your family, prepare yourself and learn how to treat gout proactively: stop eating foods rich in purines that increase uric acid …

The best foods to include in a low carb diet plan

July 30, 2022 0 Comments

When talking about a low carb diet plan, it is a diet that eats natural, unprocessed feet that contain minimal carbohydrates. A low-carb diet plan has been scientifically proven to aid in weight loss while optimizing health and reducing the risk of any disease. Basically, the amount of food you can eat and the food …

Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy

July 30, 2022 0 Comments

Colon hydrotherapy, as a healing and wellness system, gained popularity in the 1930s. Due to a lack of research, not many people were convinced of its impact on overall health and wellness. However, in recent years, more and more people have detoxified through it and have listed its various advantages. Therefore, there is a growing …

Spanish Food – The Perfect Paella

July 30, 2022 0 Comments

Are you looking for a traditional Spanish recipe? Without a doubt, the best known is going to be the prodigious paella… that tasty, adaptable, gregarious dish, famous throughout Spain and the world. And what an impressive selection of recipes there is for a delicious paella: seafood, chicken, rabbit… or a mix of all three! Maybe …

How do I get a website for my business and should I pay or start a website for free?

July 30, 2022 0 Comments

“How do I get a website for my business?” you ask. There is a wide range of solutions to launch a business website. It really depends on what your needs are. With a bit of searching, you might find that you can start a website for free with a free template and only pay for …

The three most underrated Bollywood movies in recent times

July 30, 2022 0 Comments

Every year, there are a couple of movies that go unnoticed in the box office barometer, and even the critics can’t do the movie justice at the end of the day. These underrated movies are then relegated to film festivals and other such arenas, which may or may not be financially rewarding for the people …