4 tips to save time and speed up office waste disposal

May 2, 2022 0 Comments

If you’re in charge of running an office, you know how stressful it can be. From scheduling construction work, to cleaning, to paying everyone on time, to dealing with contractors… It can be a nightmare. The huge amounts of paper that can be generated and overflowing the bins can be enough to make an office manager tear their hair out.

We’ve put together some great tips for optimizing commercial waste removal services at your office.

1. Schedule a weekly business waste removal service

If you still rely on disposing of your rubbish using regular street bins, then you’re not being very efficient. You will benefit from scheduling a weekly service to come and take care of your waste for you. Having a contracted waste collection company will make things much easier to manage.

2. Use separate containers for separate materials in the office

Just like you do at home, get some bins that divide which waste goes where. General waste will include food, etc. You can divide recycling into plastics and cardboard. Have a dedicated bin for general paper waste only, and a dedicated bin for papers that need to be shredded before disposal.

3. Encourage the use of paperless systems

Not only is it bad for the environment to go through reams of paper every day, it also increases the amount of waste you have to manage in the office. Post signs like “Think Before You Print” and encourage people not to print when possible. When you’re printing, remember to politely ask for it to be printed double-sided, with multiple pages on one sheet when possible. Doing this will save a lot of money around the office by using less paper too!

4. Train cleaners to dispose of items properly

Your cleaning crew may be behind improper office trash disposal. Even if your employees are doing the right thing, if the cleaners are putting everything in the same bin, then you’ve wasted your time. Although it may seem like you are telling them how to do their job, it will be worth it in the long run. Set up a 15-30 minute meeting with your cleaners and let them know how you’d like your office trash removal processes to work.

We hope these tips have helped you discover a way forward for office trash disposal!

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