Arowana Care – How To Choose The Best Arowana

July 21, 2022 0 Comments

An Arowana fish is an elegant, beautiful and ancient looking fish. They are adored by aquarium enthusiasts not only for their beauty but because many people believe that they also bring good fortune to their owners. Unlike the typical pet store variety of goldfish, the Arowana is quite expensive, so you should pay special attention to Arowana care when planning to purchase your own fish.

Here are the Arowana care tips to look for when choosing your own pet Arowana:

1. The Arowana must have a good body shape. This means that it must have a large body that has ends that are proportional to it.

2. Arowana color should be bright. For example, if you plan to buy a gold Arowana, it should be that color; Prayed. Its scales should shine like freshly minted gold coins. Good Arowana care helps bring out the colors of your Arowana.

3. The Arowana must be a graceful swimmer. One of the reasons why people like arowanas is because they swim very gracefully; it should turn smoothly and should swim near the surface most of the time.

4. Check the tips if they are proportional to the body. The fins should also be fully open when the fish swim. Damaged fins are usually the result of fights or poor Arowana care.

5. Chins (the whisker-like protrusion on the mouth) should be the same color, or at least similar, to the rest of the body. A healthy Arowana has long, strong barbels; they should be the same length and point straight up.

6. The Arowana must not have bulging eyes, which means that the eyes must not protrude outwards. They must be proportional to the body of the fish and must be transparent.

7. The Arowana’s mouth should be wide and angled upwards. The mouth should be closed without leaving any gaps, a fish with an overbite or underbite should be avoided.

8. The scales should be shiny and beautifully arranged, like tiles. The scales must also be large and can be differentiated from each other. Dull and chipped scales are signs that the fish could have some kind of disease, as a result of poor Arowana care.

9. The gills should not move as much when the fish is swimming, they should go unnoticed when they open and close; and they should be smooth and flat to the body of the fish. The color of the gills should also be bright; this means that the fish is healthy.

10. The teeth should be placed neatly and aligned with the jaw line of the fish. They should not protrude from the Arowana’s mouth.

Finding the perfect fish for you will now be easier now that you know what to look for. If you are still unsure of your choice, consider consulting with an expert and always purchase Arowana fish from registered breeders and dealers who administer proper Arowana care to the fish.

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