Art Tips: How to Draw Moving Objects

August 27, 2022 0 Comments

When you decide to move from drawing posing figures to drawing a moving scene, it will be much more difficult because you won’t have time to study moving figures in the same way that you would when the subject posed in one place for more than five minutes. .

When drawing a posed object, you need to quickly trace the shapes and form of the figure and the same technique is required to draw moving objects. It’s probably more important to capture the shapes the object is forming rather than trying to capture all the minor details. However, doing this won’t be good enough to capture someone in motion, even if they are very fast to draw.

The best thing to do in this situation is to look at your subject and take a picture in your mind’s eye, record them for a moment and remember their movement. Drawing this way can be very difficult for you at first, but like everything else related to drawing, with practice you will get better. As you do more, you will find it easier to remember the movement of the figure at a quick glance.

Sometimes the figure’s movement can be repetitive, which can help because you’ll get a chance to take a second look and really capture the essence of the objects’ movement.

If you want to improve your drawing speed and movement memory, it is recommended that you take a sketchbook and a pencil. Go to a place where you know you can sit and watch people in a busy environment, but they move slowly enough that you can remember their movements. A good example is going to a market, people will stop in front of the stalls and give you a chance to catch them while they are standing still.

Also, people will be moving slowly because the markets are normally quite busy. You don’t have to worry too much about completing a figure, try to capture a quick gist of the figure and just move on to the next part of your drawing. Let the sketches overlap each other and over time a scene will start to build up that you can work on.

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