Birthday Party Guest Lists: 4 Critical Success Factors

July 7, 2023 0 Comments

Putting together a guest list for your child’s birthday party seems like a simple process. After all, you’re only inviting family members and your child’s close friend, right? Well, there are a few additional factors that you need to consider before putting together any guest lists above.

The cost factor

Each additional guest you add increases the cost of the party. Before you know it, the tab can add up pretty fast! You should try to break down the total cost of the party per guest and use it as a guide to limit your spending.

For example, let’s say that with food, party favors, game prizes, invitations, and everything else, the cost per guest is $5. If you have a budget of $50, that means you can invite ten people. If you’re expecting a large turnout, it’s probably a good idea to look at ways to lower your cost per guest.

The personality factor

Let’s face it… Some people just aren’t funny! Feel free to exclude people from the guest list who will drag down the other guests. The purpose of a birthday party is to celebrate and have fun! If one of the guests is going to spoil it for everyone else, exclude them. This is often a difficult decision to make, but I promise your child’s party will be better because of it.

Also consider the behavior of the children involved. If one of the children is constantly rowdy, bullying, or just plain rude, do you really want to deal with him? They will most likely dominate all the party activities and ruin the fun for the other kids. If you are excluding a child based on her behavior, don’t be afraid to explain it to her parents. Most likely they already know there is a problem.

The fun factor

Let’s be honest; Some people are funnier than others! This goes for children too. Try to make sure that the guest list includes people like that (as long as they get along with each other). It’s true that some people really are the life of the party, and those traits start to show at a young age!

the chemical factor

Sometimes people just don’t get along. Try to be aware of any potential personality conflicts before organizing the guest list. Remember, the party is supposed to be FUN for your kids. The last thing you want to do is make them uncomfortable with someone they don’t like.

You should probably include your child in the planning process so that they can give you clues about possible problems. Careful planning now will ensure your child’s party is a success later!

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