Chinchilla Pet – Lesser Known Facts

June 9, 2022 0 Comments

Chinchillas are attractive and popular pets. Many people prefer to take this ball of fur home due to the chinchilla’s gentle temperament. Choosing a rodent as a pet is very important because of its uniqueness. The pet owner must know the basic information related to these creatures. Are here Some Lesser Known Pet Chinchilla Facts.

chinchilla life expectancy

Chinchillas are a species of centenarians in a family of rodents. They can live in captivity for more than 20 years. Rabbits, Degus and guinea pigs live less, from 2 to 7 years. The life expectancy of the chinchilla depends on its balanced diet, fresh water supply and enough space to exercise. Moderate temperatures are essential: if pets are exposed to heat for a long time, their lives are in danger.

During their relatively long life, bed bugs change in size and weight but maintain their cheerful and curious temperament.

The young are ready to move immediately after birth. Baby chinchillas eat solid food at the age of seven days. At the age of 8 months they reach sexual maturity.

Dry bath

When you think of personal hygiene, you probably imagine a shower, soap and lots of water. In fact, chinchillas need a dry bath. What does it mean? These exotic pets clean their silky fur by rolling themselves in a special powder. The owners have to offer this bath to their chinchillas three times a week. The procedure takes about 15 minutes. Rabbit-like rodents use the bathroom not only to keep their fur healthy. This bath is also a lot of fun for them.

Some owners may be allergic to dust, so people who intend to purchase a chinchilla should be aware of this fact.

chinchilla health problems

Heat stroke, diabetes, and broken bones are among the common chinchilla health problems. Bed bugs will need an air-conditioned place to live in the summer. These rodents are very sensitive to heat. Another thing to keep in mind is that the chinchilla’s cage should be placed away from fireplaces, direct sunlight, or even your kitchen. Another life-threatening factor is moisture.

Problems with digestion are also very common. The first thing an owner can do is provide the pet with balanced food or give the chinchilla only hay. Liquid vitamin C is also a good first aid option.

Chinchillas often suffer from uneven or oversized teeth. To prevent this problem, the bedbug parent should provide their pet with plenty of hay and wooden sticks to chew on.

Here are some of the lesser known chinchilla facts that everyone should know before deciding to get a small exotic pet. If you already have this creature at home, we hope you will find useful information about chinchillas in this article.

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