Coronavirus: everything you need to know

April 25, 2022 0 Comments

The coronavirus belongs to a family of viruses that can cause a variety of diseases in humans. Basically, this virus is like the common flu that appears in the form of various serious illnesses such as pneumonia. The coronavirus, also known as COVID019, causes severe lung disease in many people around the world. The virus can be spread from one person to another, according to reports published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Let’s find out more about it.


  • The infection is like the flu.
  • labored breathing
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • scratch your throat
  • stuffy nose
  • Cough

How is the coronavirus spread?

Researchers are still trying to figure out how the virus spreads from one individual to another. But the CDC says that a person who is exposed to the virus should be kept under control for two weeks. Common symptoms including fever, diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat, body aches, shortness of breath, cough, and fever, just to name a few.

Which is the treatment?

So far, we do not have any specific treatment for the disease. However, researchers are still working day and night to find a way to treat the infection. In most patients, the symptoms go away after a couple of days or weeks. However, patients are advised to get medical attention without wasting time. They should contact a doctor; they especially feel that the cold they caught is worse than a common cold.

Doctors can prescribe the best medicine to manage your pain and fever. Additionally, the CDC advises that using a humidifier or a warm shower can also help reduce symptoms of a cough or sore throat. So what you need to do is drink plenty of water, rest, and sleep as much as you can.

How to protect yourself?

According to the WHO, you need to reduce your exposure to the virus to prevent it from spreading to other people. Here are some best practices you may want to follow if you want to be safe:

Wash your hands often with an alcohol-based solution. Alternatively, you can use soap and water.

Before you cough or sneeze, get in the habit of covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or with your elbow bent. After each use, you should dispose of the tissue immediately and get a new one.

Don’t get too close to someone who already has a cough or fever.

If you suffer from shortness of breath, cough or fever, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Don’t forget to share your past medical history with the doctor.

If you are going to visit live markets, do not be in direct contact with surfaces or animals.

Don’t eat raw or undercooked animal products.

In short, this is how you can deal with COVID-19. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also install air purifiers in your home.

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