Define motivation

October 29, 2021 0 Comments

Motivation can be defined in several ways. It is generally defined as a driving force that initiates and directs behavior. In other words, motivation is a type of internal energy that drives a person to do something to achieve something. It is a temporary or dynamic state within a person who does not care about his personality. There are different types of motivation, such as achievement motivation, affiliation motivation, competence motivation, power motivation, and attitude motivation.

Motivation is based on three specific aspects, such as the activation of the behavior, the direction of the behavior and the persistence of the behavior. Behavioral arousal involves what activates human behavior, and behavior direction relates to what directs behavior toward a specific goal. Behavior persistence refers to how the behavior is maintained.

Several studies have been done to understand the different motives that drive a person to success. The motives are classified into three: homeostatic motives, non-homeostatic motives, and learned or social motives. Almost all motifs belong to one or more of these three groups.

Motives such as thirst, hunger, respiration, and excretion are included in homeostatic motives. Non-homeostatic reasons include necessary activities such as seeking shelter and curiosity about the environment. Curiosity, desire for novelty, power, achievement, social affiliation, and approval are considered learned motives or social motives.

Motivation is essential to be successful in any endeavor you undertake. It can be positive or negative, subtle or obvious, tangible or intangible. It is very important in the workplace as it plays a key role in the effective performance of employees. In industry, managers play an important role in motivating employees. They use different motivational techniques to improve productivity, thus promoting cooperation between employees and employers.

Learning is somehow interrelated with motivation. In education, instructors also use motivational techniques to motivate students to learn. It is essential to increase student motivation as it can make the student more competent. Additionally, motivation fosters self-confidence and problem-solving skills.

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