Dry, itchy skin and dry eyes? Consider a chlorine shower filter

April 20, 2023 0 Comments

A patient came to our teaching clinic yesterday and reported how she was doing with her terribly dry and itchy skin and scalp. She had been desperate a month before.

They had recommended taking fish oil several times a day. His improvement was excellent but not completely resolved.

My first thought was to include a shower filter that would remove the harmful effects of chlorine.

The main cause of dry skin is due to:

  • diet
  • atmosphere

Watching tv now is killing me with all the ads for lotions and creams. They are mostly all bunk beds. Why not remove the cause of your dry skin instead of putting a Band-Aid on it every 4 hours?

I have to say that treating the symptoms instead of treating the cause is one of my biggest annoyances. So easy to do and many of us don’t. BECAUSE??? I guess we’re programmed to find relief instead of resolution. Relief is faster than resolution most of the time. We Yankees are so interested in making short-term money with minimal effort. Put in a little more effort and get more benefits.

Find the resolution, will you?

If one’s diet is lacking in essential fatty acids such as flax oil, borage oil, primrose oil, or fish oil, your skin is likely to become dry and irritated. Add essential fatty acids to your diet.

If one’s environment consists of harsh cleaners, solvents, alternating wet-dry, chemicals, or just plain chlorine, dry skin can become a problem. Eliminate environmental problems if possible.

Of course, there are countless other nutrients for the skin, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, biotin, proline, MSM, and others, but an important component of healthy skin can be achieved by consuming oil. of fish and the use of chlorine filters.

A great liquid fish oil that tastes like lemon can be found in Carlson’s Fish Oil. My son loves it and so do I, which is saying a lot since I’m not much of a fish lover. If he prefers capsules, look for cold water fish oil capsules as they are basically free of heavy metals.

A chlorine shower filter is a good idea, as chlorine breaks down protein and removes fat from the body, inside and out. Ideally, you would also purchase filtered water or a countertop drinking water filter at home.

I have been using the water filters in my house for about 6 years. I noticed a huge difference on my scalp and especially after shaving. I no longer have a super dry face, in fact I don’t even use shaving cream anymore, just soap and water in the shower. My wife no longer applies buckets of lotion after every shower.

There are numerous chlorine filters for drinking water on the market. What you should be looking for is how much it costs to run them per gallon. If a unit is only $20.00 initially, that’s great in the short term; however, if the filter needs to be replaced every 2 months and costs $20 each, it adds up quickly. If you get lazy and don’t change your filter as recommended, you’re doing more harm than good. Because? The filter begins to dump what it has been filtering for the last 2 months and the bacteria begin to establish a base camp. Have you ever noticed that your filtered water has started to taste strange? Replace filter.

When our patient returns, I’ll let you know how her dry skin is. It may be a while, but I’ll remember to post your update.

Enjoy eliminating the cause of your dry skin! Applying lotion day after day month after month can’t be fun. It takes four weeks for a healthy new layer of skin to appear, just 4 weeks. So in 6 weeks you’ll probably be lotion free.

chlorine shower filter [http://www.healthegoods.com/product/new-wave-enviro-premium-shower-filter/bath-and-shower-products] the benefits are noticeable in about 3 days; some people notice a difference after the first shower. Of course, it depends on how much chlorine your city water has and how sensitive you are.

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