Education in 50 years: the perspective of a futurist

April 18, 2022 0 Comments

meeducation is an important tool that is applied in the contemporary world to succeed. The word education means ‘to bring up’. Education provides the basic knowledge that makes a human being a human being. Since the beginning of human history, people have been learning and educating. People in the past struggled a lot to get an education. Education has progressed since then. At present, only educated people can achieve success in the world. Without education success is impossible.

Education helps an individual to live a respectful life. Educated people are more useful in the progress of a country. It is playing an important role in economic and social prosperity. Career-wise, education is the foundation of people’s development by providing knowledge about humanity around the world. Individuals in society acquire new approaches to life that build opinions about economic and social life. Education enables society to correctly interpret the world around them, innovating towards new ways and means that fit their environment.

Contrary to the ways of getting an education in the past, it is now easy to get an education every day. New technologies, books and many other things have made education easier.

From my perspective, education in the future will be even much more advanced than in the past and present. With the advancement of science and technology, education in the future will be very wonderful. Internet is playing an important role in education and it will be of great help in the future. In the future everything will be connected to the internet. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers and everything that today helps to get an education will be much more up-to-date. In the next 50 years we will be able to open any book sitting at home with just a wave of the hand. Instead of LCDs or screens, everything will be projected in front of us with the help of holographic technology. Even children from 1 to 3 years old who cannot go to school will learn many new things with this technology at home.

As there are always two sides to an image, one is bright while the other is dark, in the same way, there are two paths that education can go in the next fifty years. Education in the next fifty years can become very easy because everything will be at the student’s fingertips while sitting at home. There will be no need to carry big and heavy bags to school and colleges. And due to the advancement of science and technology, all the lessons and lectures will be delivered online. But many problems can arise due to this. The students will become very lazy and inactive and many problems will surround them due to their inactivity. They will get everything while sitting at home, which will distort their health.

Education in the next 50 years may become a bit difficult for students because new ideas and discoveries are being made and students are forced to study all of that at a very young age so it becomes a burden for them to understand. everything, but it will be beneficial for them because to get something you have to lose something. Throughout the world, there are many countries that include developed and developing countries. The educational system after 50 years will be different in both. It will be very good in the developed countries, but in the developing countries there will not be as much progress because the countries are far behind in the field of science and technology. In the next fifty years, the system of education in schools, colleges and universities will totally change. The studies will be very easy. Science and technology will play an important role in the education of the future, but they will not reduce the importance of the teacher. A teacher is the main guide in the whole life of a student. He guides them and makes them well disciplined and educated and in the future, the teacher will also play an important role in building a student’s career. Even if students will be able to gain knowledge from advanced resources like the Internet, they will still need a teacher. Teachers will educate them in school, colleges, and universities properly. The role of a teacher in a student’s life cannot be neglected.

A teacher is also considered as a “spiritual father” of a student. A student can learn all the knowledge in the world but cannot understand it without the help of a teacher. Without a teacher, students will be distracted and involved in other activities. They will become less manners and their interest in seeking education will die out. The advanced technology will also help the teacher to convey his teachings in a better way to the students. There is a golden saying:-

“Gain knowledge from the child’s cradle to the grave”

The role of a teacher in the life of a student in the next fifty years will remain the same as it is today. Just as education makes a student educated and disciplined, a student of the future will also be educated and disciplined. He will respect his elders and his teachers. You will follow the right path.

In the next fifty years the life of a student will also change completely. Nowadays, students have a very hard routine. They go to school in the morning, from school to tuition, and again have to study at home. They spend the whole day in this routine and have no time for themselves. In the future, students won’t have to do as much hard work because it’s bad for their health and education means raising them, not tearing them down. Today the illiteracy rate is very high. Many children in many countries of the world do not go to school, but in the future all this will change and all children will receive education because receiving education is the right of all. The education system in the next fifty years will also improve compared to the current one.

In short, whatever the configuration of an education of the future, technology will play an important role in it. With technology, teachers will also play an important role in the education of students. If all teachers are well educated, they will play a better role and with the coordination of a teacher and new technology, the students of the future will be the best and will lead their nation or country to the heights of progress.

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