
October 22, 2022 0 Comments

Contrary to what you may believe based on what you have been told, fever is not a disease, but rather a cure!

Fever is the body’s attempt to heal itself by using heat for the purpose of eliminating it through perspiration. The fever uses the skin of the body and the function of perspiration to remove toxins from the body through the skin.

Medically speaking, fever is the elevation of body temperature. The natural temperature of the human body is 98.6 degrees. A body temperature above 100.4 is considered pathological, medically speaking.

We should welcome a fever with open arms! The problem most of us have is that when there is a fever, we automatically assume something is wrong and run to the butcher’s office, oops, I mean “doctor’s office”.

And what does the good ole doctor give us? Answer: POISON (euphemistically called “drug” or “medicine”). And what does this poison (drug, medicine) do? Answer: FOR FEVER! To stop the fever is to stop the healing.

You never want to interfere or work against the fever. It is very wise to work with fever and not against it. To work against the fever is to work recklessly against Nature and the Intelligence of the Body. Working against Nature and Bodily Intelligence is gradual suicide because working against Nature and Bodily Intelligence is working against oneself, which is clearly unwise.

Suppressing the fever means keeping the toxins in the body. Toxins do not belong in the body. This is why it has an elimination system that consists of elimination organs like the colon, kidneys, lungs, and liver. The female skin and vagina also serve as elimination channels, so the body will also use the skin and vagina for healing purposes (but people will also mistake the vaginal and skin healing crisis for a disease and also go to the doctor to stop some poison). healing through these organs).

You really don’t have to do anything when there’s a fever, except get some rest and drink some water. Remember, your body (Body Intelligence) is in charge.

Most fevers bring with them a natural fasting period, so the appetite usually subsides when the fever is on the scene.

You can work with fever naturally when you have the proper knowledge. You want to help the fever come down naturally, not stop it (although the fever doesn’t need help to come down). Basically, with the right knowledge you can speed up the fever.

Cold baths are ideal when there is a fever. Always bathe with cold or lukewarm water. Add a box of sea salt as sea salt helps dissolve negative energy (which is released when the body is cleansing itself).

You can add essential oils of Mint and/or Ginger to the bath to ease the fever. Whole ginger root or ginger root tea bags can also be added to the bath. Ginger is the best thing you can use to relieve fever.

You can also take a warm or hot bath, which will speed up the elimination of fever due to the heat involved. It is still a good idea to add ginger root to the bath.

An ice pack or cold towel can be applied to the head during fever.

Good herbs to drink (in tea form) include ginger root, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and cloves. All of these herbs induce perspiration. They are also warm and refreshing herbs. They warm you up first before they cool you down.

When there is a fever, be sure to sleep with the window open so that the natural cool night breeze comes in through the window and helps cool you down.

Should you wear a lot of thick clothing to bed to help induce heat and bring down a fever? Answer: You can if you want. Or, you can let it break on its own. It’s really up to you as all methods help. Whether you naturally cool the body or warm it up, you are working with the fever and not against it.

The worst thing a person can do for a fever is take medication to stop it. Stopping the fever only sets you up for the fever to come back at a later time. A fever simply denotes healing and healing should never be postponed or delayed or interfered with. A fever naturally breaks at 104 or 105 degrees if you don’t interfere with it by stopping it prematurely.

Metaphysically speaking, fever denotes anger. Anger causes heat, and heat is present during fever; That is why the body temperature rises.

So, learn to “chill out” and not “sweat out” the things that make you emotionally “boil up.” Don’t let things in life “warm you up”. As the title of a book says: “Don’t worry about the little things in life.” I might add, don’t even worry about the moderate size or the big stuff. At the end of the day, when you keep things positive, everything always turns out for the best anyway. It all comes down to a choice and there is a right choice and a wrong choice. That is all! Just a CHOICE! As stated in the Jim Carey movie “The Number 23”, “There is no Fate or predetermined destiny, only choices.

Options means that life is in your hands. While you may want to hand this over to a god figure (thanks to successful religious programming and indoctrination), the reality is that you create and create your own destiny through the choices you make based on the thoughts you have. .

Responsible spiritually aware and mature people know that their lives are in their own hands and irresponsible and spiritually unaware and immature people (a/k/a religious people, ordinary people) believe that their lives are exclusively in the hand of some God and they have absolutely nothing. say so or have power over their lives. They believe that their fate is sealed and that nothing can be done about it.

Your life is what you make of it! Your thoughts, beliefs, emotions (feelings) and attitude (good or bad) shape and create your destiny, destiny and reality, and this has always been the simple secret of the Universe and always will be.

Thank you for reading!

This article is courtesy of Dherbs.Com and Djehuty Ma’at-Ra.

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