Five keys to becoming a good basketball shooter

November 16, 2022 0 Comments

Ask any professional and you will have to spend hours practicing to become a basketball superstar. But there are some other special tips that you will need to work on to achieve your goals.

Form – The first thing to do if you are a beginner is to get the form right. You can go to the library and check out books on proper basketball shooting form. There are also many videos on YouTube that you can explore that show the correct way. The important thing here is to learn proper form from the start.

If you start shooting using incorrect form at first, it will take a long time for your muscles to learn correct form. This is because your muscles are already trained, so they will have to ‘forget’ the wrong form first, and then learn the correct form later.

Practice time: You should practice shooting hoops for one to two hours a day. Nothing else is recommended because the muscles and the body cannot learn much at the same time. If you want to maximize your day, you should practice one hour in the morning and another hour in the evening. This gives your body and mind some rest between practices.

Pace – Your goal is to eventually end up sliding down the basketball court when you shoot. You don’t want to shoot like a mechanical robot. You want to work with the ball and transfer the natural energy of your body to the ball. This cannot be done by being a mechanical robot.

Replay system: What does Karl Malone say before taking a free kick? It’s not what he says that’s important, but the fact that he has established a certain system when he takes a free kick. Some people calm their nerves and return their body to its firing state by replay systems. This can include thinking of a certain phrase before shooting free throws, dribbling the ball twice before shooting, or rolling your eyes. The point is to have a starting point that reminds your body that you are going to throw a ball.

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