Four types of love ties between man and woman

October 30, 2022 0 Comments

The world is extremely mysterious. Every day we see many things that we take for granted without knowing how and why this happens. For billions of years, people saw apples fall to the ground, but they never thought why apples fall to the ground and not come up. Newton first thought that there must be some force that must be pulling the apple towards the earth. This thought resulted in the discovery of gravity, the universal attractive force that existed between all material entities in the universe since its origin. Gradually, scientists also discovered the electric and magnetic forces between electric charges and magnetic substances. However, scientists were never able to find a satisfactory answer as to why different types of materials attract or repel each other.

What is true in the world of particles is also true in the world of living beings. Every species in the world is attracted to a member of the opposite sex. However, there are hardly any answers as to why it happens. All of us as human beings are aware of the force of attraction that draws us towards each other, but we cannot know why it happens.

The reason for the attraction

While scientists have no reason to explain why matter attracts, they have discovered some reason for the attraction between male and female species using the theory of evolution. They believe that the attraction between the male and female species in this world is due to their desire to mate in order to produce children. These theories are based on Darwin’s principle of evolution, since no spy would survive except by reproducing. However, the answer is incomplete, since even after people have produced children, the forces of attraction do not diminish.

Studies show that certain physical characteristics stimulate the brain’s hypothalamus, leading to elevated heart rate, perspiration, and feelings of sexual arousal. What leads to this answer? Perhaps the most obvious is a youthful appearance, which is linked to reproductive capacity. [Buss, David M. The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating. New York: HarperCollins, 1994] Women are equally attracted to men for what they have to offer in terms of reproduction.

However, boring scientific research always overlooks the mystery of the universe. What causes heart rate, perspiration and sensations to increase? These actions seem like nothing less than a miracle even though we know they happen. Einstein captured these thoughts in the following words

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is a miracle.”

The key to physical attraction can be found in our knowledge of physics. For example, we all know that opposite charges attract. We know that all materials are neutral in their natural state. However, they become charged when electrons are removed from the material, making them positively charged, while matter that has an excess of electrons has a negative charge. Therefore, opposite charges attract each other so that they can neutralize their charges and return to their original conditions. The same explanation exists for magnetic particles.

We can also explain attractions due to gravity using the same principles, since even science believes that all matter and energy were one before the Big Bang. Therefore, all matters seem to attract each other to reach the original neutral state of matter and energy.

Using the same principle, it can be said that perhaps the attraction between the opposite sexes is due to their desire to become one as they were in the past. We call it love because we know it exists (like gravity) but we can’t know why it exists. Since every human being is not only a body, but also a mind, soul and spirit (God), there are four types of love between the species of the human race.

1. Physical bonds: the basic instinct

The most primitive and fundamental form of love between a man and a woman is due to the differences in their bodies. The physical designs are complementary to each other, which draws one towards the other. People derive satisfaction and pleasure in the company of the person of the opposite sex. Even the touch of the hand is pleasant and transmits energy and love. The reason seems to be chemical, as the body shows an increased flow of bodily fluids and chemicals when the physical bond between men and women occurs.

The physical bond between boy and girl expressed by Tina Turner is one of the “What’s Love Got To Do With It” songs that captured the imagination of billions of people around the world in the 1980s.

you must understand

That the touch of your hand

It makes my pulse react

which is just the emotion

boy meeting girl

opposites attract

it is physical

only logical

You should try to ignore

What does it mean more than that?


Oh, what does love have to do with it?

What is love but a second-hand emotion?

What does love have to do with it? What does that have to do with it?

who needs a heart

When a heart can break


The physical bond is the oldest and most fundamental form of love that exists between man and woman. Prostitution is considered the oldest profession in the world that humanity discovered to take advantage of this attraction between men and women.

2. Mental Links: Friendship

While the animals only find the physical bond between the opposite sexes, since they cannot rise much above the physical level, the males with their greater mental faculty found another form of union that unites males and females. This bond also exists between members of the same sex.

Friendship is found between people who have complementary thoughts. In the words of Mencius

“Friendship is one mind in two bodies.”

The mind of each person wants to know what it does not know in order to make itself complete. That knowledge may be living with someone else’s mind. Friendship arises from the desire of two people to share their thoughts so that their minds grow and complete.

The mind of man and woman are as complementary as their bodies. Thus each man finds a different way of looking at the world, when he sees the worlds through the eyes of women. Thus, a man who has a good friendship with women is the epitome of “goodness” as his mind is fully developed. On the contrary, people who do not have friends in the member of the opposite senses are truly bad without a doubt since their vision is extremely unbalanced. All dictators and despots never had friendships with women and the list includes Hitler, Stalin and Mao, although they had physical ties to women. Therefore, their minds were never truly evolved. A person’s mind can have satisfaction, tranquility and peace only if he has friends in the members of the opposite sex.

3. Emotional bond: the feeling of love

The most beautiful and powerful relationship that exists between man and woman is emotional. All emotions automatically arise in people due to the desire of the souls to become one. The souls of a man and a woman are complementary to each other as they originate from the same source. This is not only a philosophical truth but also a physical truth. Hence, they always aspire to meet to balance like opposite electrical charges or magnets of opposite poles.

The emotional bond between a man and a woman is often so powerful that people even sacrifice their lives or commit suicide in their attempt to become one. Love is often called fetal attraction as it is responsible for most of the crimes in this world.

Love is like a chemical reaction that transforms the soul of man and woman. People in love are changed from their core due to the transformation of their soul just like hydrogen and oxygen lose their identity when they combine to make the drop of water.

Only love brings peace and happiness in people’s lives that cannot be bought with all the riches in the world.

4. Spiritual bond: God in everything

Man and woman also share the highest level of spiritual bonds with each other. The spiritual relationship is based on the non-physical relationship between people. In this type of relationship, people have no expectations of each other, as they all seem to merge their identity with God or the Holy Spirit, who is the origin of all entities in the universe.

The spiritual or non-physical bond exists between people of the opposite sex in many ways. It manifests itself in the form of love for mother, love for children, love for siblings, and in later stages of life even between spousal love. Spiritual love is the final stage of love between each person when the bond evolves to its highest level. The seed of this love is always present in the person and manifests itself first in the child with her mother’s love. Gradually all other forms of love diminish and only spiritual love remains in the most evolved human beings in this world like Jesus, Buddha or Gandhi. This form of love is truly selfless and unconditional.

The evolution of the human bond
All ties between human beings can be classified into the four types, viz. body, mind, soul and spirit. The journey of life begins with the spiritual bond of love that only exists in a child. However, as a person’s body, mind and soul grow in this world, the bond of love manifests itself in different ways. Whereas in the case of animals the link barely crosses the physical level, in man it evolves from the physical to the mental and then to the emotional and finally makes a complete turn and returns to the level of the spiritual level. Spiritual love makes man divine and integrates him with God so that he reaches his salvation or life goal. The cycle of life continues until a man realizes his spiritual love with God and man.

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