Giant steps

April 27, 2022 0 Comments

Each era has its own self-improvement book. First it was Dale Carnegie. His books ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ and ‘How to Stop Worrying and Start Living’ paved the way for thousands of people to lead successful lives. Then came Napoleon Hill. His books ‘Success’ and ‘Think and Grow Rich’ sold thousands of copies all over the world and people showed interest in reading them.

Now it’s Anthony Robbins. His book, “Awaken the Giant Within” is adapted to modern needs. Based on the latest scientific findings on the brain and psychological aspects, the new theory called NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming shows the way to lead a successful life in the modern competitive world.

The book has been divided into four parts, ‘Unleash Your Power’, ‘Take Control: ‘The Master System’, ‘The Seven Days to Shape Your Life’ and ‘A Lesson in Destiny’.

Can someone change their destiny?

There are three decisions that control your destiny, says Anthony Robbins.

1) Your decisions about what to focus on.

2) Your decisions about what things mean to you.

3) Your decisions about what to do to create the results you want.

To achieve your goal, you either have to find a way or make one.

There are techniques to make the way. First change your belief and personal breakthroughs will begin. Start with the basic belief and reinforce your belief by adding new and more powerful references.

By NAC you can change yourself forever. What is NAC? Neuroassociative conditioning is a step-by-step process that can condition your nervous system to associate pleasure with the things you continually want to move toward and pain with the things you need to avoid in order to consistently succeed in your life without constant effort or force. of will

There are ten emotions of power. Love and warmth, Appreciation and gratitude, Curiosity, Enthusiasm and passion, Determination, Flexibility, Confidence, Joy, Vitality and Contribution should be planted daily.

After elaborating on these vital points, the author gives a Seven Day Program to shape our lives. Take control of your conscious emotions. After learning to condition your nervous system, you have to condition your metabolism. Then come the relationships. Success is significant if only you could share it with someone you love. Next comes Finance. Take control of your financial future. Then comes the Code of Conduct. Create your code and don’t compromise it. Then learn to use your time in your favor. Rest and play. Even God took a day off!

This seven-day program, if carried out successfully, can be repeated to ensure success.

A woman who suffered from a fear of snakes took treatment for seven years and is still not cured. Anthony Robbins took it as a challenge and within fifteen minutes she cured her! Such is the power of NLP.

Beautiful quotes are sprinkled throughout the book. Various anecdotes and incidents from real life are given in each chapter to inspire the reader.

An investment must pay off. Give up forever. The investment in this book will surely pay off. Not necessarily proportionally but multi-time. Change your life through your own brain and your own programming. This book will show you how! Good luck.

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