Gripe Water Reviews: Why It Won’t Work For Everyone

May 16, 2022 0 Comments

Are you searching for influenza water reviews online but sick of finding sales pitches for all the different brands of influenza water? Have you tried the forums but still not sure if this product really works or not? Well, you are not alone! This herbal remedy can be found so easily all over the world, but no one really knows if it works.

This herbal remedy has been used since the 19th century to soothe colic in babies. The question is does it really cure colic? And if so, why are there so many opposing and different opinions about the effectiveness of this product? Why doesn’t it work for all bodies?

To answer this question we have to look at this product in a bit more detail. Take for example one of the most popular that contains chamomile, fennel, caraway, mint, ginger, lemon balm and aloe vera as main ingredients. All these ingredients aim to ease your babies digestion and cure colic. This is meant to help with excess gas and wind as well.

Looking at the reviews, some parents say it worked, some aren’t sure, and some say it made things worse. Right… so how can this be? Well, the answer is simple. Gripe water is a mixture of herbal ingredients that relieves the symptoms of colic. Yes, you read it right. Relieves symptoms. It does not treat the cause of colic.

If you have the flu, your symptoms are likely to be fever, stuffy and runny nose, sore throat, headache, and body aches. If you were to take a symptom reliever, like a lozenge, it would soothe your throat and maybe help a little with your stuffy nose. But it wouldn’t do anything for your headache, fever, or body ache. This is an example of how gripe water works.

Your baby will have a collection of symptoms. Not just wind or gas. She may not be able to identify them, but they are present. If she uses herbal remedies or colic relief methods that relieve symptoms, she is simply trying to ease one or maybe two of the symptoms. If she is very lucky, these remedies will work, but only for a while. This explains why reviews of this remedy differ so much.

To cure colic, you need to treat the cause of colic, not just the symptoms. What causes wind, gas, indigestion and colic? This is the question that needs to be addressed.

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