Have a CRYSTAL CLEAR focus

July 19, 2023 0 Comments

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will run your life and you will call it destiny.” -Carl Jung

You’ve heard a lot about the Law of Attraction. Recently, I have been consciously using it to create my ideal life, daily, in addition to taking disciplined action steps. With anything in life, if you don’t know where you are going, you will eventually get lost or it will take you a long time to get there, much longer than necessary. If you’re headed off to drive cross-country and choose to do so without a road map, it may not even make sense to head out in the first place! Worse yet, if you don’t consciously choose what you want, you will continue to default to what your unconscious mind wants to attract.

One of the best things you can start doing today to stay focused on your bottom line is to get CRYSTAL CLEAR at your destination. It doesn’t matter if your desire is to change jobs, become a better parent, create more financial abundance, pay off your mortgage, or run a marathon. Each of us has something in us that wants to aspire for “more”, however big or small.

Since I’ve been training in the last year, I’ve noticed that some clients are very insecure about what they want or why they want it. Big mistake! A single focused vision that is a reflection of something that is deeply inspiring will help you manifest what you want, much faster. Not knowing what you really want, why you want it, and doing it because someone else thinks you “SHOULD” do it creates confusion.

To help you execute decisions that matter most to you, you need to be clear about exactly what you want, determine why it matters to you, and then create a detailed picture of the end result.

This is what I mean. Let’s say one day you decide that you want to change your job to one that is more fulfilling, and you set that intention. But the next day, he decides that he’s interested in finding a promotion within the company he’s already with instead. That same afternoon, he decides that his work is fine the way he is and that he would really rather not go through the process of having to mix up his normal routine.

When you keep changing your mind, you will never reach your destination. YOU are the only reason you are in this place.

Now imagine that this is exactly what happens when you are not clear about what you want your life to be like, how many hours you would ideally like to work compared to the working hours. play or the salary you would like to earn, etc. Many people do this every day. And as you keep changing your mind, your “destiny” is never reached. This may seem so simple to you, but look deeper and you’re probably making the same mistake (many of my clients have been guilty of this).

Your indecision is what gets in the way! If you are not clear about what you want, you are sabotaging both your results and your manifestation. In terms of results, you will find yourself hesitating, not really knowing where to focus your efforts, etc. In Manifestation terms, you may wonder why what you want doesn’t “come” fast enough. That’s why it’s absolutely essential that you get CRYSTAL CLEAR on what you really want.

So, be very clear in your image. Write it down in details (mine is on my vision board and another document is about 2 pages). Imagine what the scene will look like, what are some of the scents, who will be with you, how will you feel when you have achieved this end result, how will you know when you have arrived? Close your eyes and focus on this vision. Breathe into every cell of your body the feelings of how this will feel for you. (In my own mind I see fireworks, get goosebumps, feel dizzy, and imagine a marching band with cheerleaders in my honor!) This is an NLP technique called anchoring.

The next step is to constantly remember this vision and review it daily. Stick pictures on your wall, take them with you so you can read them when times get tough. Read your plan out loud several times in the morning, noon, and night.

I remember when I started doing this I felt like I was in a Saturday Night Live parody and I had a good laugh. Now, after a while, I am seeing my own mission and vision statement beginning to take shape and manifest in my life. I’m realizing that having a clear bottom line builds unwavering faith, courage to take the next step, confidence to make the next best decision, and internal commitment to do whatever it takes to get there. And then WHAMO – I have arrived!

And as my own coach said, it’s not hard to get up, go to work, pay your taxes, and establish a routine. It is not convenient to have high goals. It takes commitment, clarity, effort, and patience to set meaningful intentions and stay focused on the bottom line.

Your homework:

If you’re ready to mix life up a bit, expand more of who you’d like to be, and get more fun and success into your days, take a few minutes to imagine what it is you’d like to accomplish and clarify the details. Go out for coffee, a glass of wine or lunch and have a brainstorming session. Then write it down and review it daily.

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