Hidden Food Allergies and Cravings

April 22, 2023 0 Comments

One of the most concerning aspects of hidden food allergies is that we tend to crave what we are allergic to. While looking at the allergen list on the previous page, did you recognize any of your favorite foods? If you have been experiencing some of the symptoms of allergies, you may be creating these allergic reactions through the foods you eat.

Even if you want to eat anything, sometimes you have to face your allergies and just keep your life under control. Once you start to feel better, you can gradually reintroduce food allergies into your life and see how your body will react.

The body is not logical. It makes no sense for your body to crave a food that causes a harmful allergic reaction. However, the key to why you crave harmful foods lies in the chemical reactions that take place in the body.

Remember that when you eat an allergen, you trigger a reaction in your body that produces histamines. Histamines are a side effect of the antibodies that fight the allergen. Simply put, histamines make you feel good. They are harmful to your organs and system, but they also release a calming effect on the body.

When you crave an allergen, you crave that calming effect that histamines release. You are unknowingly looking for foods that are causing your antibodies to release histamines. That’s why cravings can seem uncontrollable at times. There is a physical craving as well as an emotional craving for these allergenic foods.

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