How do you make your muscles bigger?

May 2, 2022 0 Comments

Raise your hand if your thoughts have ever been consumed with the question of how to make your muscles bigger. Yes, I also raised my hand. Having been a skinny, hard-gainer for most of my life, I always thought my body was incapable of building some muscle, let alone growing it.

It took me a bit of trial and error, as well as a solid muscle-building program, to finally convince myself that achieving a muscular physique is not impossible. So when a friend asked me the same question a few days ago, I happily responded by sharing some proven tips to help him gain the lean mass he so badly needs. Now I would like to share them with you. I’m sure the following tips can help address what is one of the most common questions from newbies: “How to make your muscles bigger?”

Eat well

Put your diet in place and you’ll have big lean muscles, guaranteed. For me, diet is the second most important component of the entire muscle growth process. Be sure to provide your body with enough nutrients for muscle building; the only way to achieve this is by eating 5 to 6 high-protein meals a day every 3 to 4 hours. Choose quality protein and carbohydrate sources, such as chicken breast, tuna, eggs, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, yams, and brown rice. Don’t forget to add healthy fats like olive oil and flaxseed oil to your diet.

heavy train

When it comes to training, heavy sets of low reps are the best way to make your muscles grow. Make sure each training session lasts no more than 1 hour; your training period should be short but super intense. Proper form of exercise is also important. Stacking weights without adhering to proper form is a sure way to injure yourself. Simply put, sloppy form equals mediocre muscle-building results, so train heavy and with proper form.

Enough rest and recuperation.

You must be thinking, huh? How do you make your muscles bigger while resting? It truly is worth allowing your body to recover sufficiently between training sessions because muscle growth happens when you’re resting, not when you’re pounding iron in the gym. Blast your muscles every other day and train each body part ONCE a week. When it comes to weight training, subscribing to the idea that frequent training equals bigger muscles would be counterproductive. Take it easy, rest, drink plenty of water, and get your daily 8-hour nap – pretty soon you’ll have some really nice gains to show for it.

Consider investing in a good bodybuilding program

Instead of spending money on a bunch of mindless muscle building supplements or wasting time jumping from site to site gathering conflicting opinions on muscle growth related issues, consider investing in a quality muscle building program. A well-conceived program contains an expert’s expertise presented in a structured way so that he can focus on achieving his goals without being distracted by all the conflicting information on the Internet.


In my opinion, consistency is the most vital aspect of the entire muscle building process. No amount of high-protein meals, heavy mass-building exercises, or muscle-building programs can help you build a muscular physique if you can’t maintain consistency. Skipping meals or exercising should be a rare occurrence; Otherwise, you don’t need to bother approaching musclemen in the gym and asking them “how to make your muscles bigger?” The truth of the matter is that those musclemen got to where they are in large part because they stay consistent, whether it’s diet or workouts.

TO YOUR success in building muscle

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