How does your property rate on the pest control scale?

August 25, 2021 0 Comments

When a home inspector or appraiser audits a property, whether for a seller or an investor, the home is rated based on its level of pest control. Can those creepy critters enter the building around its foundation or through the openings around the roof? These are all things that homeowners should consider to maintain their property.

A female cockroach can remain pregnant for her entire life and each birth can produce 30 to 50 more cockroaches. They can spread germs and bacteria, and their shed skin can cause allergies, irritations, and other illnesses. Roaches can enter closets, cabinets, sinks, and bathtubs, leaving germs on every surface they touch. Other small insects and vermin that should be treated include ants, bed bugs, bed bugs, beetles, crickets, earwigs, millipedes and centipedes, and the silverfish that always populate.

It’s best to find a pest control company that is licensed and certified by the Department of Public Health, and many provide free estimates if you suspect a problem. Some even provide 24-hour service if there is an issue that needs immediate attention. They will also check for openings through which small mammals such as mice can enter the house. Urine or droppings are usually found around the entry area, and that’s a sure sign that it’s time to call in a professional.

There are many larger animals that can potentially enter the home, but they must be handled by wildlife removal experts. These include moles, possums, raccoons, marmots, skunks, and many more. These animals can carry disease and create damage to the attic or other storage spaces as they use insulation and other materials for their nests. Even rabbits and squirrels, while cute, don’t look so cute when they play inside the walls and ceiling of a property in the middle of the night. And when they get stuck and die on the wall, better prepare for a few weeks of overwhelming smell.

As the weather turns cooler, pests and insects start looking for places to build their nests and their base of operations for the winter. Fall prevention is key. All openings around a property must be sealed, even if they are as small as 1/16 of an inch. Use caulk, foam, cement, or copper mesh. Also, seal any gaps or cracks that have formed over time around doors and windows. If there is a chimney or vents for the attic, they should also be sealed. Installing a chimney cap or wire mesh around attic vents is a proven way to prevent birds, bats, and other animals and insects from entering through the roof.

Taking the time to seal off any potential entry points into a property and take the necessary preventive pest control measures now will protect the home from the long list of potential insects and critters that may attempt to move in. In addition, it will increase the value of the house when it comes time to sell it and avoid long-term damage.

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