How social networks are used to assassinate a person’s character

November 25, 2022 0 Comments

Social media is a faceless community. In most cases, you don’t see the person who likes your photos, feels your posts, or even shares your thoughts. It’s where people tweet and send threatening messages to strangers without a care in the world. It’s just funny – they say. Let me just say that it’s never fun if the recipient is scared to the core or the post involves an assassination of character. This post is about how social media is used to assassinate a person’s character.

The dangers and benefits of social media.

Without a doubt, social media has innumerable blessings associated with it. It gives you global connectivity, connects you with people of shared interests, keeps you informed, and is a great marketing tool. However, it can be both brutal and destructive. It can be used to smear your name. It can be used to gossip and trash your character. Needless to say, we are all one step away from character assassination. A single careless tweet, innocent exposure post, or naive like can lead to untold agony.

The dangers of rumors and gossip.

Rumors and gossip are words and words can never be taken back. Even if you get an apology, the rumormonger won’t clean up the mess. Forgiveness does not heal the mutilated reputation of the victim. It’s like putting a nail through a piece of wood: even if the nail is removed, the hole still remains. Gossip hurts. Sometimes it hurts more than a slap or a punch. Negative words said about you can haunt you for the rest of your life. Worse still, if they are all over social media, so be careful what you share.

Be careful what you repost on social media.

Although it can be a good opportunity for business growth and networking, it can also be vicious and treacherous. You should never be the bearer of gossip or slander. You should never repost any defamatory, hurtful or defamatory information. Never repost any racist or blackmail posts again. This is my opinion when it comes to what to send and what to avoid; Do to others what you would like them to do to you. Always keep this in mind: what goes around comes around.

Things you should never post on social media.

Yes, you want to connect with old friends and meet new ones. Is that the reason you want to share all your details? Watch out! Social networks are a live wire that burns and leaves physical, emotional and psychological scars to prove it. Regardless of your intentions, never share your current location, photos of your family members tagged with their full names, phone numbers, and home addresses. Avoid sharing intimate things because they can come back to haunt you. Don’t give your enemy a weapon (information) to take you down. It has a way of getting what you share, twisting it, and using it against you. By the way, this is how social networks are used to assassinate a person’s character.

Be careful and wise and you will be safe. It takes years to build a character. However, social media can kill you in the blink of an eye. This is my advice to you; When you share information on social media, don’t just do it with your heart, take your head with you.

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