How to save our skin from sun damage naturally (Part I – Sunscreen)

July 18, 2023 0 Comments

Summer is here, and we’re ready to hit the beach to tan and look fabulous (as we think). In fact, there is no such thing as a safe tan, and unfortunately, more and more studies show that there is no such thing as a safe sunscreen. You might think that sunscreens protect against skin cancer. Well, they protect against sunburn, like cancer… It depends.

Everything we eat goes into our bloodstream, everything we apply to our skin will also be absorbed into our bloodstream. Did you notice how many chemicals are in regular sunscreens? Studies show that the longer sunscreen chemicals are left on the skin, the more they are absorbed into the body, and that means we get more toxins, which is very dangerous to our health.

If we have a good immune and elimination system, we can handle the additional exposure to toxins. Otherwise, we need to detox from time to time so we don’t become a toxic dump. But what about our young children who have less developed elimination processes and have a larger surface area per body weight than adults? Do they need more chemicals in their bodies?

As for me, I don’t use sunscreens because I try not to be in the sun from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm and wear a hat or try to stay in the shade. When my son was little, he wouldn’t let him out in the middle of the day in the direct summer sun. People don’t realize that even if they wear sunscreen, they should be avoiding the sun too much: everything in moderation is the best policy.

Here are some healthy tips on how to protect our skin from sun damage:

1. If we need sunscreen, we must look for better and healthier alternatives. Two non-toxic solutions are sun-blocking minerals, zinc oxide (studies show that only clothing and zinc oxide completely block UVB and UVA rays) and titanium dioxide. They are supposed to be safer products. You may be interested in sunscreen products with micronized zinc oxide as the only active ingredient.

2. We can use oils from our kitchen such as Sesame Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and Peanut Oil as well as those rich in cinnamic acid, Walnut Oil, Raspberry Oil, Avocado Oil, Pomegranate Oil, Jojoba Oil, Oil Pumpkin Seed, Aloe Vera Oil, Coffee Butter, Shea Butter. They all have UV protection and damage repair properties and provide natural protection against the sun. You can find many modern sunscreen products that incorporate many of these oils and butters.

3. We should not eat carrots, celery, parsley, parsnips and limes before going to the beach. Studies show that these vegetables contain psoralens, chemicals that can make you unusually sensitive to the sun.

4. We should not use skin care products that contain citrus essential oils, especially bergamot (Citrus bergamia). They can increase the skin’s sensitivity to light and cause skin discoloration or rashes.

5. We should apply a thin layer of yogurt, sour cream, kefir or aloe vera gel on the reddened areas to help reduce inflammation and refresh and hydrate our skin if we suffer from sunburn.

Studies show that even if you wear a sunscreen and don’t burn, UV light will still suppress your immune system. Choose the right sunscreen product by using common sense and exploring your options – the one that offers the least damage is the best. And never forget that an old fashioned way, a big hat, sunglasses and the shade of a nice big tree, could be the best natural protection.

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