Massive List of Homeschool High School History Curriculum

July 4, 2023 0 Comments

High School History Curriculum

Whether your homeschooling teens are studying World History, US History or the history of religions, there is no shortage of homeschool high school curriculum choices. Homeschool students can go beyond the surface level when learning history with creative assignments and hands on projects. They can also explore the history of ideas and how they are shaped by time and culture. And, they can learn about history through field trips and online resources that bring learning to life.

Here are some of the best choices for world history high school homeschool curriculum from secular and Christian publishers.

The Story of the World: This secular history program from The Well Trained Mind has four volumes that teach world history using a narrative approach. The books are a good size for your student to read in one year and can be used alone, or with the corresponding teacher’s guides and activity books that can be purchased separately. The story-telling format makes this course easy for your student to remember and understand.

Massive List of Homeschool High School History Curriculum

A comprehensive course that teaches nine eras of world history in one school year. Each era is taught through a different type of historical text, including novels, memoirs, biographies, and history books written by non-fiction authors. The course also includes writing assignments and a variety of hands-on activities, making it a full-fledged homeschool history curriculum with a language arts credit option.

This homeschool history curriculum uses living books, writing assignments and a hands-on activity book to create a unit study for each historical period. It is a great choice if your child loves to read and wants to earn a credit in both history and literature.

In this downloadable homeschool history curriculum, students are introduced to the key figures and events of Western civilization by reading original texts from each historical period. Each course is a textbook and comes with a teacher guide that contains lesson plans, tests, reviews, essay questions, reading suggestions and activities. The texts in these courses are a little shorter than traditional history textbooks and can be read by your high school students in about a month.

Joy Hakim’s A History of the US series combines interesting stories and historic locations to make American history come alive. The textbooks cover the early exploration of America, the Revolution, the Early Republic, the War of 1812, the Civil War and Reconstruction. The books can be used alone or as part of a more in-depth study of American history.

Unlike many textbooks, this history course takes the time to share the “Why” and “How” of each time period. The curriculum is centered around a Christian worldview and can be used by students of all ages.

If you’re looking for a more in-depth history course, try the online options from Compass Classroom. Their downloadable courses are a full-credit and offer a wide range of topics from Antiquity to Modernity.

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