Obstacles to the success of the objectives

March 19, 2022 0 Comments

Goal setting often gets a bad rap as people have tried and been unsuccessful at setting goals. Don’t despair. Try, try, try and try again. Each time you will develop stronger discipline, focus, and skills for goal success. Here are some roadblocks people run into with their goals and some solutions to try! Keep loading!

I don’t want to set goals for myself, but I like the results. That I have to do?

Often this is due to fear. Reality is to set a goal; you must decide what you want. Many people prefer to leave all options open, choose nothing and opt for “life” to choose their destiny for them. Whether you resist setting goals out of fear of failure, success, pressure, or for whatever reason, the fact is that you can’t get where you haven’t set out to go. People who set goals have something to accomplish, and they often do. You cannot achieve what you have not established. Do yourself a favor, assess where you want to end up, determine a viable course to get there, pick an approach, and work towards it. You can always adjust or change if after several months the doors close, but you can at least ignore this option!

I have many ideas and goals, but I am overwhelmed. Where to start?

Oftentimes, goal setters can set too many goals. Three SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed) are about the most a human brain can really focus on. I prefer to have ONE statement of focus that combines multiple goals. For example,


1) Earn 5K a month by being disciplined and focused on lucrative activities.

2) Refine my skills (education) and processes so my clients are more accountable for exceeding goals.

3) Grow personally, more study time, expand family, eat better/exercise, have an organized home.

Focus statement:

I am energized to be a focused and disciplined IBO earning 5K/month. Training and coaching ‘Movers and Shakers’ to exceed their goals, while living in integrity, nurturing and promoting my faith, family, health and home.

Do I have goals, but I don’t seem to reach them? Why?

Lack of a plan. In the book “Goals” by Brian Tracy, he tells the story of 2 desserts and how people died crossing to go from one town to another because they lost perspective in the middle of the desert since they could not see the beginning or the end and died. To solve the problem, the city placed mile markers between cities so travelers could focus on smaller landmarks. The goals are also like that. If you don’t break down your big goals into milestones, figuring out how to achieve them can be overwhelming and it’s always too big a project to undertake and it just never gets done. Set your focus goal, measurable goals, and milestones to allow for a clear plan for goal success. I recommend that you take an annual focus goal and have monthly milestones. Read the goal and milestones for the month every day. (ie if you want to increase your income, add 2 new clients this month and have a plan to attract them).

I have a focus lens, but I’m too busy to do anything about it. How do I get more time?

The power of passion. WHY did you set that goal? Was it a “should”? We often set goals like losing 25 pounds, eating better, making more money because we need or know we SHOULD do this, but we’re not really motivated to make it happen. What we are passionate about will get your time and attention. Connect with the WHY of your goal. Ask yourself “WHY does it matter?” 10 times to get to the heart of the matter.

I have a goal, but it’s not happening yet. What has to happen?

Posted in 3 points. Read it daily. Think about the laws of attraction (www.thesecret.tv). Write down what you have to do each week to make that goal more of a reality. Don’t nullify yourself with negative or self-defeating self-talk. Be positive. Look for opportunities. Assess and make sure it’s measurable and know what small steps you can take to get closer to it. An elephant should not be eaten in one bite!

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