Quit smoking – What if cigarettes were invented today?

May 1, 2022 0 Comments

I imagine a television show about inventors where one of the contestants has invented something new called a cigarette.

“So what is it made of?” It is a plant called tobacco that is dried and processed with a variety of chemicals.

“How many chemicals” After burning around 4000 chemicals, most of which are highly toxic and more than 200 can enter the brain.

“It is safe?” People likes it!

“How do you use it?” It’s rolled up in paper with a filter on the end to make it healthy, you light it up and suck the smoke into your lungs.

“What about the smoke?” Most of it is exhaled harmlessly.

“Most of it”: Some enters the bloodstream and travels to the heart, liver, kidneys, brain, and every cell in the body.

“Doesn’t smokers get sick?” Not everyone, most just age quickly and get short of breath, but some develop lung cancer, throat cancer, or emphysema.

“It is expensive?” Not compared to buying a home, most will only spend between $5,000 and $7,000 a year.

“Smells good?” Sure, just like plant material and burning paper.

“Can you smoke anywhere?” Almost, except in restaurants, cafes, most businesses, near schools, and in a car with children and public places.

“So smoke is bad for children?” Well, only if they inhale it, then they will probably suffer like an adult.

“Does anyone really like to smoke?” Certainly the heavily taxed governments and retailers and manufacturers, and a few people who enjoy that burnt taste.

Okay, I could go on, it sounds like a “Yes Minister” episode, but no one in their wildest dreams could imagine that such a product would be allowed on the market, everyone involved would be sued immediately.

How do you feel when you read this? Maybe you’ve gotten over it but you’re still doing it, maybe you like doing it but you’re worried about the consequences, or maybe you’re already suffering from it but you’re still smoking out of anxiety.

It doesn’t matter because with hypnosis all that is required is that you are fully committed to quitting and to your well-being and future.

You may think that cigarettes taste like gourmet chocolate; It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re 100% ready to quit.

After all, many tasty things make us sick and fat, so it’s not unusual to give up the things we like.

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