Re-Engage Life: Jumpstarting our personal economy

June 29, 2023 0 Comments

I watch too much television. If I’m not working or hanging out with friends, I can be found in front of my 50-inch flat screen, surrounded by speakers from my home theater system. Between Netflix, DIRECTV, Hulu, and VUDU, there’s always something to watch. I’ve always been a fan of epic dramatic movies and TV series, but the problem is that more and more TV has become my addiction. I don’t even like what’s there anymore. Quality and originality have gone out the door (with a few exceptions of course…can you say “Burn Notice?”) and I still sit, captivated by the bright colors and surround sound, hoping that something better comes out next… .or after that.

Actually, I don’t watch that much TV. I work too hard to watch more than a couple of hours a day, but it’s become my main hobby during my downtime and it worries me. I used to go for walks, read, write in my journal, talk on the phone with distant friends and family, or just drive. Now these things seem to happen less and less.

This article is not really about TV viewing problems. Prime time is simply a conduit for a much bigger problem that many of us face and deal with in our own way. Today we have parted ways. Many of us are discouraged by the economy of recent years, fearful of our political future, and worried about the problems tomorrow will bring. Many of us have given our willpower to fate. Where once we thought hard work, ethical behavior and strong moral values ​​would propel us forward, we are now stuck with “forward” being merely a campaign slogan as we all sit motionless, living our lives vicariously through television. of reality or our more adventurous Facebook friends.

Life is not meant to be lived switching between work mode and isolation mode, yet many of us go through our days with no aspiration other than to get home in our capes. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t think this comes from laziness. It’s deeper than that. If you’re like me, all you want to do is hide from what the world has become. The sofa becomes our secret safe zone, where nothing can hurt us, scare us or stress us out.

Recently, I have begun to realize the stupidity of my concealment. Inside, huddled near Fox News, CNN and the Kardashians, the world is a scary place. But outside, the sky is still blue, the grass is still green (except for the brown spots where my sprinklers seem to magically jump), the sun is still shining, and the moon is still coming out every night to play with the stars. In many ways, I think we’ve let the media and our Facebook friends talk us into giving up. The battle is not over; the world is not scorched by death and decay. We’ve gone offline and missed the game due to rain, but it’s a beautiful day outside of our own doom and gloom. Thunder clouds are rolling in our heads as birds sing, squirrels gather, bees buzz, and life goes on. It’s time for us to stop hiding and re-engage with life.

The real problem is that we have forgotten what life is all about. We have forgotten that simple things (a walk in the park, a good laugh with close friends, a hug from a child) are the things that build real value in life. We can’t start replenishing our savings and 401k accounts until we open our eyes to life around us. No matter what happens at the Jersey Shore, whatever scare tactics spew out of media commentary or political cartoons posted on Facebook, tomorrow is another day. It is time that we rebuild our own economy, the economy of a fulfilling life. Get out, meet your neighbors, remember your friends, enjoy the richness of nature. Rejuvenate your soul, refresh your mind and strengthen your body. Then go out there and rebuild your business, conquer your sales meeting, inspire your staff, and show the world that we’re out of hiding, back in the game, and ready to win. Pawn Stars can be recorded on DVR and Facebook posts can be responded to later. Today, we have a real life to live.

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