Real housewives are human too

April 26, 2022 0 Comments

Many of us will have watched the Real Housewives series of shows or seen the press and magazine coverage of their antics and lifestyles. The stories of these ‘real housewives’ and WAGs can fill us with a mix of horror, envy and disdain at their excessive choices and manners, particularly as they are often seen as role models for young girls. We can speculate that his more outrageous behavior is done to maintain public attention and help bolster his celebrity status.

But if we dig a little below the surface, behind the glamor and glitz, we can see that real housewives have their own concerns, worries and problems. In fact, some are experiencing personal crises, making life-changing decisions and even using their time on the show to raise their public profile and gain exposure for their own existing businesses.

Often, ‘real housewives’ can seem out of touch with reality and normality, living in a continuous whirlwind of visits to expensive stores, restaurants and beauty salons. Maintaining such a high-profile lifestyle comes with a lot of pressure to keep up appearances and be seen as a fairytale existence. Being photographed at a party, drinking cocktails, perhaps spending their husband’s or partner’s money in a flurry of capricious and self-indulgent activity, arguing over trivia, appearing to sulk if they don’t receive the appropriate gifts or get what they want can make them appear spoiled . selfish and childish.

We’ve certainly noticed in magazines and on social media how many of the younger WAGs and real housewives seem to look the same, transforming into each other with identi-kit hairstyles, dress styles, breast sizes, sporting smooth and wrinkle-free faces. and pursed lips. Often one is indistinguishable from another in a group photograph. This may be your goal, to reassure them that they are doing well, following the correct guidelines to be part of this select and exclusive group, just like young children who need to wear the same brands to feel like they belong.

But these choices can indicate insecurity about having an individual appearance and identity. If they looked or acted differently, what would be the consequences? Would they be okay, okay enough? They may live in constant fear that their appearance will change, of putting on a little weight, of finding a gray hair or the slightest wrinkle. How could a person find the time to preserve her personality and identity while keeping a constant eye on every aspect of her image? Being the perfect wife, mother, woman means never really relaxing or losing control, otherwise things may fall apart and someone else may be there, ready to step into your shoes.

Whenever we choose to judge another person, we inevitably do so from our own perspective, but when we go through difficult times, difficult emotions, and pain, it is a very personal and relative experience. If we dismiss or belittle someone else’s problems, efforts, or situation because of their apparent good fortune, attractive appearance, wealth, status, or perceived lucky breaks, we are doing them and ourselves a disservice. Few of us are so secure and confident in ourselves and our self-confidence, or so emotionally resilient that we are unaffected by the difficulties that life sometimes throws at us. Deep down, most of us need love, kindness, and acceptance; we long for the assurance that we are okay.

As a true stay at home mom, there is continual pressure to look good and never grow old. Maintaining this must become onerous, tedious and exhausting at times. Every aspect of her life, her wardrobe, personal fitness sessions and treatments can fill each day, becoming almost a full-time job. Often everyone else has an opinion, they want to give their advice, be part of the team, so they introduce a Stepford wife magazine/character, living the dream.

Every once in a while you see a real housewife walk away from the lure of fame and leave the spotlight behind, or they decide to use it to their advantage and develop a charity or business venture, create a product, write a book, use their position. as a force for good. Then she will see her transition and become more than just her public persona. By leaving the character of the show behind, she can reclaim her name, establish her identity and be recognized for her talents and attributes in her own right, she is no longer part of the brand!

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