Some philosophies that have fascinated me

May 28, 2021 0 Comments

I have been an avid reader of philosophy and literary theory. Here I would like to explain some philosophies that have fascinated me.

I like Plato, especially his theory of forms. There is a dark cave and in it many people can see the light emanating from a wall that obstructs the cave. What Plato meant is that there is an ideal world apart from the physical world.

Next is the philosopher Hegel who said that there are thesis, synthesis and antithesis. Let’s use an example to illustrate your idea. The end of World War I brought the harsh Versailles treaty on Germany a thesis and this gave rise to the rise of Nazi rule in Germany an antithesis and led to the persecution of Synthetic Jews.

Next, I would like to return to the philosophy of Marx. Marxist theory follows the modality of dialectical materialism. All part of production and in a society is the proletariat or the working class that form the basis of society and then there is the bourgeoisie, the capitalists and the various ideological apparatuses such as the police, the government, the media, etc. The workers are an exploited class and one day per revolution sixteen the kidneys of power and will establish a got based on equality and justice. However, Marxism is a flawed theory.

Next, I would like to delve into literary theory and return to the philosopher Derrida and his idea of ​​deconstruction. The texts privilege some and marginalize others. Through a deconstructive reading process, we achieve an interpretive mode of how privilege and marginalization occur.

Next, I would like to dive into the existentialism and ideas of John Paul Sartre. Sartre introduces the concept of anguish and also introduces a notion of being that occurs in three processes, being in oneself, being for oneself and being for others. All this he assimilates as ego states. Being for itself is a state of primary consciousness. Being by itself is an experiential context of being where being goes through anguish, ecstasy and catharsis. Being for others is an eleemosinary state of being

where being is empathetic.

Next, I would like to explain the semiotics and symbolic realm of Julia Kristeva. The semiotic realm is a structure of language where there is an absence of grammar and punctuation. The semiotic realm occurs in streams of narratives of consciousness, in music and dance. The symbolic realm is a structure where texts contain a coherent ideological structure of language. Medicinal and legal texts are symbolic structures. Literary texts contain both semiotic and symbolic domains.

Next, I would like to explain the thinking of the structuralists. Structuralism divides language into signs. A sign is made up of the signifier and the signified. The signifier is a visual tangible thing that belongs to the realm of the senses. Meaning is an idea. For example, if I say Rosa is Passion: Rosa is the signifier and passion is the signified.

Next, I would like to make intrusions into Freudian theory. Freudian theory proposes ID the Ego and the Super Ego. The ID is the main seat of passion, the Ego the language and the assimilated culture and the Super Ego the laws of society. An individual has to walk a tightrope between these three states to keep life in balance. Next, I would like to explain the Oedipus complex where a child develops a love towards the mother and hatred and desire to kill the father. Freud is wrong in his opinion and it is only at the beginning of puberty that sexuality awakens. The emotional and empathic bonding will make childhood a healthy being.

Next I would like to return to the Lacanian gaze and the mirror scene. The mirror stage is a stage of childhood in which the child reaches maturity to look at himself as a mirror. Here language enters the realm of the child’s consciousness and the child’s world passes from fullness to lack. The mirror stage has been used in film studies and critical theory. Next, I would like to introduce the concept of gaze. The look has strong sexual overtones. Feminists have developed the concept of the feminine gaze. And there in today’s word there is the lesbian and gay gaze.

I would like to take up some ideas of the philosopher Camus. Camus says that we must authenticate our existence and we must avoid suicide. For Camus, life has no meaning and is absurd. In his book The Myth of the Sisyphus, man is condemned to roll a rock uphill only to find that the gods are pushing it downward and he has to roll it up completely. Camus is famous for atheistic nihilism.

Next, I would like to explain Nietzsche’s theory of art. For Nietzsche, art was the combination of the Dionysian and the Apollonian. The Dionysian includes rhythm and time signature and the Apollonian includes melody and harmony. When the Dionysian and Apollonian elements merge, art is produced. The Dionysian element represents altered states and ecstasy and the Apollonian element represents catharsis and anguish.

It was the philosopher Aristotle who introduced the idea of ​​catharsis with which he referred to the purification of the soul while contemplating the tragedy. All art is made up of catharsis, anguish and ecstasy. Life is a celebration of these three states of being.

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