Tips for nail care: do you know these important dos and don’ts?

January 16, 2023 0 Comments

applying the nail care tips below will help you keep your nails in top condition.

Since our nails are so noticeable and convey a message about us to everyone we meet, it’s essential that we take some time and educate ourselves on how to take good care of them.

What follows is a list of nail care tips divided into do’s and don’ts:

Tips for nail care: what to do

DO drink plenty of water every day. It is good for general health and a well hydrated body contributes to nail health. Cracked nails may indicate the need for increased fluid intake.

DO apply nail polish remover before applying nail polish. This removes oil from the nail plate and gives the nail polish extra life, so make sure you do this regardless of whether there is old polish on your nails or not.

DO take vitamin supplements unless otherwise directed by your doctor due to other health considerations. Vitamins A, C, E and B12 are especially important. Additionally, the calcium, zinc, iron, protein, and folic acid will help prevent white marks from appearing on the nails and prevent the nails from becoming brittle. Research the foods you need to provide these essential vitamins and supplements.

DO use a good quality tampon preferably once a week, no more than twice a week. Be sure not to buff too hard and not for too long to avoid damaging the nail. Just a brief light buffing before applying nail polish can help prevent polish peeling due to a rough or uneven surface on the nail.

DO use a soft nail file instead of a nail file. Emery boards can be too rough and easily damage the nail unless used very carefully. It is better to use a soft cushion nail file and wash it regularly for repeated use. It almost goes without saying that metal nail files are definitely a NO NO!

DO wear protective gloves when performing any work that requires hands to be submerged in water or come into contact with chemicals. Wear cotton-lined gloves so they stay dry on the inside. The fungus loves a humid environment.

DO pay attention to cuticles regularly, using a moisturizer often to prevent cuticles from drying out. Overgrown and ungroomed cuticles can negatively affect nail growth.

Nail Care Tips: What NOT to Do

WHOSE File back and forth, as this can cause nail cracks that are made even worse if water gets in after hand washing. Instead, use a gentle, one-way stroking action with the file along with a little patience.

WHOSE File down the corners of the nail as this can weaken them and make them more susceptible to breaking. File in a straight line to produce a smooth oval shape. Pointy nails break easily.

WHOSE file nails when wet. Make sure they are completely dry.

WHOSE use nail polish remover and reapply nail polish more than once or twice a week. Select a nail polish remover that contains moisturizers to prevent nails from drying out.

WHOSE Use your fingernails to scrape hard surfaces, pick up an object, remove staples, or serve as a digging tool. Take a minute to get the right tool for the job and avoid sacrificing your nails!

WHOSE over manicure the cuticles, as this can damage them and cause them to become thick and overgrown.

WHOSE never cut cuticles or use metal or sharp objects to push them back. Buy the right tool for the job, an Orange Stick. Hold at an angle and gently push back cuticles without damaging them. Using a cuticle pusher first will help make the job easier and avoid damaging this sensitive skin.

After a nail care session, do a little test. To see how smooth your nails are, run them through an old pair of stockings or pantyhose. Any inconvenience will help you locate the nail that needs more attention.

The nail care tips listed above require some time and effort and perhaps a small investment initially to get the necessary professional tools. However, once you have them and get into a nail care routine, the benefits will make it all worth it.

You will feel confident and display your nails with pride.

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