Ways to Lose Weight Fast: 5 Tips to Get It Right, Starting Today!

April 5, 2023 0 Comments

You’re probably reading this because you’re sick and tired of all the weight loss gurus pushing and pulling you in every direction, bombarding you with fad diet plans and exhaustive exercise systems.

Maybe you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work in the long run. I mean, anyone can lose a few pounds or even a couple of stones, but sooner or later you have to go off the diet and that’s where it all goes wrong.

You see, my approach is one that has completely transformed my life. From being overweight with health issues, to being healthy and fit with lots of energy, and I didn’t even have to push myself that hard.

It’s enough!

I think there comes a time in everyone’s life when they look in the mirror and say “enough is enough”. Well my moment came three years ago when a tragedy turned my life upside down. A lifelong friend of mine died of a brain aneurysm. He was consumed with grief and I needed something to focus on.

So that day at work I said to a college boy, “I’m going to run 10 miles”…

As you can imagine, these words coming from a chubby depressed man would be hard for anyone to believe. In fact, I think my university may have laughed…

I contacted a brain injury related charity that day and ran two miles (almost killed me). I knew I couldn’t do this without a little research, and I soon found that losing weight and getting fit depended heavily on the food I ate.

Anyway, long story short, a few months later, I ran the 10 mile (with ease I must say) on my friend’s birthday with his entire family there supporting me. It was one of those days in my life that I will never forget. We raised almost £1000 for charity.

Although I ran three times a week, I believe my success was mainly due to a few simple dietary rules that I followed and also adhered to. If you adopt these simple principles, I am SURE that you could lose the weight you want and change your life like I did.

My five tips to lose weight quickly and lastingly

1. Always be prepared:

You’d be surprised how much junk food the average household stores at any given time. It’s vital that you don’t have any temptations lying around, as the road ahead can be challenging enough.

Being always prepared is about having no distractions, no temptations, and planning each meal in advance. Sit down and write a grocery list with your diet in mind, then go shopping and get only what’s on the list.

If you’re a busy mom or work long hours, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of grabbing some fast food where it’s convenient. It is very important to take a healthy packed boat to work or just have it in the fridge ready to eat. You could prepare it the night before.

2. Know the calories:

If you’ve ever been on a diet, you’ve probably counted calories at some point. This is a great way to manage what you eat.

It’s a good idea to find out your body mass index (BMI), so you have an accurate starting point. On average, a woman needs about 2,000 calories per day and a man 2,500. To lose weight, the general idea is to reduce your calorie intake by 500 per day.

Get in the habit of looking at nutrition information on food labels. Maybe write them down and make a list to post on your fridge for reference.

3. Eat more, lose more:

This is so important! You should try to eat five or six small meals a day. If you don’t have time, have an apple or something.

Remember! Hunger is the enemy here. Don’t let yourself get hungry, as this can cause you to fall off the wagon and take that sugar fix.

Also, skipping meals is definitely not the way to lose weight. Stay focused on planning your next meal.

4. Simple Food Swap:

Choosing healthier foods is not as difficult as you think. It is about changing some of your eating habits step by step. This alone can help you reach your goal weight.

Swap out breads and bagels for whole-grain versions. These are not only healthier and lower in calories, but they keep you fuller for longer.

Try to eat more low-calorie protein, such as poultry and fish, and only cook with lean cuts of meat. Trimming the fat from a serving of bacon or removing the skin from a chicken before cooking can dramatically reduce calories.

It is very important to learn about the levels of fat, sugar, salt, and calories in what you eat. This will shed light on your diet and help you identify what is holding you back from reaching your goal weight.

5. Be more active:

I now realize that the word EXERCISE for someone like me a few years ago, can be quite uncomfortable and even scary. The thought of going to the gym or gym class was the furthest thing from my mind, but there are other options…

I would recommend running to anyone, no matter their weight or age. But I realize that running isn’t for everyone, so here are some ideas to help you be more active in your daily life. Remember, the more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose.

If you take the bus to work, get off a bus stop or two early and work the rest. Also make a conscious effort to walk and use the stairs as much as you can.

If possible, try to designate a time each day to exercise with an exercise DVD or some other form of training method that works best for you.

One thing that first got me hooked on working out was the fact that after working out, I felt on top of the world. This is due to the release of endorphins in the brain when you exercise, filling you with a sense of well-being.

So if you’re really looking to make a lasting change in your life, you need to be disciplined and turn these five tips into daily habits. And we all know how hard it is to kick off clothes…

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