What about Cuban coffee

September 13, 2021 0 Comments

Twenty-nine million American adults drink gourmet coffee every day. Although specialty coffee shops like Starbuck’s can be found almost anywhere, Cuban coffee, known for its strong flavor, is only found in areas of the United States where there is a large Cuban-American population. Wanted by coffee connoisseurs, it is the best and most coveted coffee in the world. Often compared to espresso, it is actually a rich blend of Cuban, Spanish, and Italian coffee traditions.

Cuban coffee is about twice as strong as regular American coffee. It is usually served in small cups called “little cups”, which are smaller than demitasse cups, at the end of a meal. It’s a thick clay java beer with a tantalizing taste and aroma that turns sweet from the amount of sugar used. The secret of “Cuban Coffee” or “cafecito”, as it is known in Cuba, are the finely ground dark roasted coffee beans.

Coffee was brought to the eastern region of Cuba by French immigrants in the mid-18th century. In the early 19th century it became a more important import than sugar. Cuba’s natural humid climate, fertile soil and two centuries of cultivation techniques have made it the ideal setting for growing coffee beans. Coffee beans are grown high in the shady jungles of the Sierra Maestra. Growing beans is labor intensive and its planting, growing, harvesting and processing procedures have been perfected every step of the way. Large beans are used and left outside to test in the sun instead of using mechanical dryers. No pesticides are used so the coffee is 100% organic.

Cuban coffee beans have a superior reputation in Asia and Europe, with Japan and France accounting for 70 to 80 percent of exports. Other importers of Cuban coffee are Italy, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland and the Netherlands. The embargo on Cuban products has created a challenge for those in America who wish to enjoy this distinctive coffee. However, Cuban-American grocery stores and coffee shops sell their version of Cuban coffee. There are several Cuban coffee companies such as Tu Cafe and Cafe Llave, with Cafe Pilon being the best seller, which commercialize “authentic Cuban coffee.” The beans of these brands are grown in Brazil, Colombia, or other parts of Central and South America.

There is no secret recipe or process for making Cuban coffee. All that is needed are freshly ground dark roast coffee beans, sugar and a “coffee pot”, a single double chamber Italian coffee pot. Water is placed in the lower chamber and the ground coffee enters a perforated holder. The lid is screwed on and the pot is heated. The brewed coffee rises to the upper chamber. The coffee is poured into a “cup” and sugar is added.

Drinking “Cuban Coffee” continues to be a prominent social and cultural activity within Cuba and the Cuban-American communities. The rest of the world is slowly catching up to enjoy this particular style of coffee. “Authentic” Cuban coffees can be found in many supermarkets and specialty breweries are sold everywhere. So if you want a true coffee experience, try Cuban coffee.

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