When are allergy tests necessary?

May 24, 2021 0 Comments

So what is your main allergy trigger? Pollen, mold, or maybe your pets?

If you don’t know what causes your allergies or asthma flare-up, how can you avoid further contact with your particular irritant?

If you have suffered from allergies for several years, or have the added concern of having asthma attacks triggered by allergies, it may be time to get tested. Allergy testing is the most efficient way to determine which exact element in your environment is causing your body to react. Rather than avoiding all possible allergens both indoors and outdoors, once you know your allergy type, you can stop stressing and focus only on the cause.

So why shut yourself indoors to avoid pollen if you’re really allergic to mold (which will grow in your home anyway?) Or rip up your rugs and ditch your curtains to keep dust mites away when you shower. your pets with allergies. shampoos offer more relief?

Here are some common tests to determine the cause of your allergies:

RAST allergy test

For this test, a small amount of blood is drawn and tested. Later, a lab technician will add a small amount of allergens to some of the patient’s blood. Under a microscope, the amount of anti-allergy antibodies or IgE produced by the blood is measured and used to determine how allergic you are to the allergen. This method is generally best for severe reactions because only a small sample of blood reacts to allergens rather than the entire body.

Skin prick or scratch allergy test

This is the most common type of allergy test; it is very effective and inexpensive. This test involves placing a small amount of allergen on the skin of the forearm, upper arm, or back and then scratching or pricking the skin so that the allergen penetrates the surface of the skin. Any allergen that causes a reaction will cause the skin to become a little red and swollen a bit, so that it looks a bit like a mosquito bite. Multiple allergens can be tested at the same time and it only takes 20 minutes to get results.

Intradermal allergy test

This second skin test method is more sensitive and produces very consistent results. For this test, a small amount of allergen is injected just below the surface of the skin. Several allergens can be tested at the same time, and after about 20 minutes, a small hives or a red, inflamed area appear on the skin.

How to prepare for the test:

  • Before testing, stop taking all antihistamines or the test results may not be accurate. Generally, your doctor will tell you which medications to avoid taking before the test.
  • The allergist or healthcare provider conducting the test will ask for a detailed medical history, as well as questions about past illnesses, eating habits, lifestyle, work environment, emotional and social conditions, etc. All of this information helps them determine the cause and prescribed treatment for their allergies.

What to expect after an allergy test:

  • In cases where the skin is pricked or scraped, you may feel mild discomfort. If you have a “positive reaction” (allergic reaction) to one of the sample allergens used in the test, the area may itch for a while.
  • If you are concerned about a severe reaction, take some benedryl or another antihistamine with you to take after the test is complete.
  • Once you have determined which allergens you are most sensitive to, you will be better able to avoid exposure, which in turn will reduce your dependence on medications to control symptoms.

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