Why a Patent Attorney Can Be an Inventor’s Best Friend

April 4, 2021 0 Comments

Some may think that brilliant men like Thomas Edison and Nicolai Tesla are rare these days, but I know better. In fact, I have a friend who is a certifiable genius inventor, inventing things like an engine that runs on tap water and a device that increases gas mileage by almost 40%.

What the average person doesn’t realize is that inventions generally don’t come about as a result of a “eureka” moment with a lightbulb image overhead! Real inventions come from testing and experimentation and finding all the methods that don’t work before finding the one that does.

About 20 years ago I had a great idea to sell bottled water, all my friends told me I was crazy. I heard them and now someone is a billionaire and I am not. I’m writing this article to make sure you don’t make the same mistake. If you have one of those sparkles of glitter and come up with a design or plan for it, make sure it’s proprietary. The correct way to do this is to use a patent attorney.

Patent attorneys are experts in their field and can help you file a patent for an invention or idea. That’s right … it doesn’t have to be a physical product, it can just be an idea. Now, don’t get carried away and think that every idea you have is worth patenting. I’m reasonably sure if you were that brilliant you wouldn’t be sitting around reading my article right now! One of the things to consider is whether your idea is marketable. The bottom line is that obtaining a patent costs money and if your idea is not going to make money, there is no point in moving forward.

The first step in the process of obtaining a patent is to do a patent search to see if your idea really is really as original as you think it is. You can do it yourself by visiting the government website at uspto.gov, but a good patent attorney can and will do a much better search and save you a lot of time and hassle.

The next step, assuming your search indicates you have a novel idea worth patenting, is to apply for the patent. There are two main types of patents, design and utility. If you are most concerned with design, then you should choose that option. If you are more concerned about how the invention will work, apply for a utility patent. There is also the consideration of how long it is protected. A utility patent is valid for twenty years, while a design patent only lasts fourteen.

Obtaining a patent is not exactly cheap and you will have to contribute a good amount of money from the beginning. However, it may well be worth it. There are fees for the attorney, as well as filing fees to pay the government to apply for the patent. This is why it is so important that you do your research and make sure that the idea is something that can be profitable in the market. In any case, don’t go it alone, always seek the professional help of a qualified patent attorney. A good patent attorney will save you time, energy, and many sleepless nights.

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