Will this become the new normal or an anomaly ?: 5 questions

July 3, 2021 0 Comments

Many believe that we are experiencing a degree of polarization and division in this country, unlike anything we have witnessed, at least in recent memory. Although there has always been a degree of partisan politics and philosophical differences (in terms of economic and political philosophies, ideas, ideals, ideologies, and beliefs), until relatively recently, U.S.-elected presidents who held beliefs in what that most consider the political center (within 5-10% of the middle, either towards the supposed, left or right), and therefore, especially, when it came to important issues, there was space / space, to create a meeting of minds, for the greater good! Recently, that has not been the case, and reached a critical point during the administration of President Donald Trump, where the level of vitriol and the refusal to compromise, even when necessary, for the common good, reached as far as, possibly – dangerous levels! Will this division become something new, normal or will it be an anomaly? With that in mind, this article will briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 relative issues.

1. What will constitutional guarantees mean and represent? Will we treat all of them as essential, or will we be selective ?: Although, we often hear, so-called gun lobbyists and some gun owners demand their Second Amendment rights, these same individuals often seem much less concerned with protecting the First. While the Second Amendment refers to the right to bear arms, many, including the late Supreme Court Justice Scalia, claim, specifically referred to state militias, rather than possessing a weapon. What limitations are, or may be, necessary and / or considered to improve gun safety, ensure that the right people own guns, and differentiate, depending on the type of weapon? On the other hand, the Constitution, clearly, the states, rights and freedoms, such as Freedom of Expression, Free Press and the Right of Assembly, are and must be protected. The worrying aspect of today’s conflicts is that some seem to want, only, the selective application of these rights, depending on their personal / political agenda, etc.

two. The Nature of White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, Enemies, and Enablers: When the events in Charlottesville sparked a statement from Trump that seemed to equate the two parties by saying: There were good peopleOn both sides, we should have realized that it is contrary to our country’s heritage to even consider anyone who may be a white supremacist, Nazi, or other member of the hate group, etc., a good person! ! By definition, such individuals should never become normalized!

3. Unify or Polarize: Wouldn’t we be much better off if our political leaders sought to unify rather than polarize? Unless polarization is deemed unacceptable, we probably won’t go back to normal.

Four. Sanctity of elections: We must be convinced that all possible protection and security is used to ensure that our choices are safe and that the results are as accurate as possible. When the former president constantly disputed election results, when they did not favor him, and made accusations, without evidence, he created a dangerous degree of doubt in some of his leading supporters! While it is a candidate’s right, legally, to dispute the results, appealing to the state Board of Elections and / or the Courts, these objections should only be considered, when accompanied by evidence, rather than unsubstantiated and unsubstantiated claims. .

5. Concepts of freedom of the press, expression and the right to assemble: A free press is essential to protect citizens through the dissemination of news and other relevant information, without any censorship, by the government. This should not be based on one’s personal / political agenda and / or self-interest! Similarly, freedom of speech must be protected, but this does not mean that one can shout, Fire, in a theater, etc! We must protect the right of legal, non-violent assembly, but differentiate it, from any illegal activity, such as arson, looting, violence, etc.

Wake up, America, and demand, up to a point, a return to what, for centuries, has been considered normal! We must do it, now, before, it is too late!

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