Worship Facility Renovation vs. New Construction in Today’s Economy

April 1, 2023 0 Comments

You will find many reasons to join as your church membership grows. New members bring new life and energy, and can inspire and invigorate the entire congregation. However, if attendance begins to outgrow the building, logistical challenges may arise.

Churches have a few different options to accommodate large-scale growth. There is no correct answer. By evaluating your congregation’s situation, goals, and needs, you can find the best solution for your church.


Don’t be in a hurry to leave your current building. After all, his congregation has a lot of history and memories invested in this space. You might be surprised at how much free space you can gain simply by rearranging what you have and thinking outside the box. For example, if you need more storage space, first take a look at what you have and see if you really need to keep it all.

You may find that there are a lot of unused and unnecessary items taking up space. Get rid of them. For infrequently used items that you need to keep, like Christmas decorations, consider offsite storage.

Multi-use areas are another great way to maximize space efficiency. Portable, folding partitions can easily transform a fellowship hall or other large room into three or four Sunday school classrooms. Also, take a look at their offices and conference rooms. Do you really need that many? If you can consolidate some of these spaces or schedule activities so they are unoccupied during Sunday School, these can also make great classrooms.

Even after rearranging and reallocating space for new classrooms, you may find that your space is still constrained by your sanctuary. However, there are some simple steps you can take to open up your worship service to more people.

For example, by swapping out pews for theater seating or multi-purpose church chairs, a typical church could increase seating capacity by up to 30%. By installing audiovisual and multimedia equipment, the fellowship room can also serve as a bonus room, allowing additional members and visitors to view the service on a large screen.


If you still need more space after rearranging your space in the most efficient way possible, it may be time to revamp it. Not all churches are good candidates for renovation, so make this decision carefully, with the help of experts such as an architect or contractor, and make sure you have the support of the congregation.

When considering renovation, first assess your building and determine if it can handle the expansion. After the renovation, the sanctuary may be able to hold more people, but will the parking lot? Also, think about the cost. Renovation typically costs more per square foot than new construction because the older building will have to be brought up to current codes. There are often unforeseen costs associated with renovation, so if you choose this option, be sure to reserve some of your budget for these expenses.

Although renovation can be more expensive than new construction, it also offers many advantages. First, your church will be able to keep your home, where you already have so many memories. New construction also takes much longer than renovation. A well-planned renovation project, done in stages, can be a source of enthusiasm and inspiration for the congregation. If they are satisfied with the progress of the project, they can donate more to fund the continuation of the redevelopment.


If renovation is not a viable option for your church, there is still another option to consider before launching a new building. You may be able to purchase an existing unused building and remodel it to suit your purposes. With a few changes, an old school or even a big store can be a great church. In today’s economy, many businesses are closing and you may be able to find a great deal on an existing building. In addition to being cost effective, this is an environmentally responsible option as it reduces demolition waste.


After considering all of these options, you may find that a new building is the best solution for your church. Before you start planning, take some time to think about what your church really needs and what your goals are. Construction can take years, so try to think ahead to account for how your church will change and evolve over time. Hire a reliable architect and contractor, and make sure you have the support of your congregation. After all, a new building, no matter how big and beautiful, won’t be of much use if the congregation doesn’t follow it there.

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