6 Unusual College Scholarships That Will Leave You Scratching Your Head

April 25, 2023 0 Comments

Of the many unusual scholarships we have found, it seems that the same types of unusual scholarships are listed year after year. As such, we spent an insurmountable amount of our time searching the web for something that was truly unique and unusual. Here are the results. We present to you 6 unusual scholarships that will surely tantalize your mind.

1) Favorite Ice Cream Flavor Scholarship

While most scholarships ask about your athletic ability, test scores, income, or grades, this one only wants to know one thing, your favorite flavor of ice cream that describes your personality. It may sound unusual, but it is true that this would be a difficult topic. I just don’t see how anyone could describe the ways that vanilla or chocolate describe their personality.

2) Beans For Brains Scholarship

Knitting is a hobby that many people do for free. However, what if you could get a knitting scholarship? The Beans For Brains scholarship can be applied for by anyone who knits or crochets. This scholarship is provided by the Jimmy Beans Wool Store and can make you $3,200 richer. Also, it’s worth noting that the company offers 6 scholarships each year and is available to American and international college students who enjoy knitting.

3) Fifth Month Scholarship

We’ve seen a wide variety of weird scholarships, but this one definitely tops the list of unusual. Students over the age of 13 apply for this scholarship by writing an article about number 5. Yes, number 5. Clearly, this award is for people who have a high level of creativity and a sense of humor. In either case, the scholarship is worth $1,500.

4) Halloween Costume Scholarship

Every month the company, Wholesale Halloween Costumes, offers a fun and equally unusual contest for college students in need of extra cash. To apply for this scholarship, students have to do a variety of weird things, like capturing the Easter bunny on film or writing a fictional story about a monster. The winning entry receives $500.

5) Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship

Most people who study parapsychology, which includes reincarnation, near-death experiences, and telepathy, are not taken seriously by the general public. However, Eileen J. Garrett takes them seriously. So much so that the individual offered a $3,000 scholarship which is applicable to students currently studying any field of parapsychology.

6) Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

The zombie trend has increased so much that there are now a wide variety of video games, TV shows, and movies that are all based on zombies. In fact, there has been so much media attention surrounding the concept of the zombie that even a statement from the Centers for Disease and Control has not been able to suppress the fear of zombies that many people still have. So let’s assume that zombies exist and have taken over your university. This is essentially the concept of this $2,000 scholarship. Applicants must submit a detailed plan on the ideal location they will hide, as well as the 5 items they would use in order to survive.

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