Mastering the Law of Attraction: Using Your Nightmares to Manifest Your Dreams

April 25, 2023 0 Comments

The goal of this law of attraction article is very simple: how to use the things you hate to help you get what you want. Briefly, we need to contextualize this so we’re on the same page, but we’ll end with a tip on how to use the things you don’t want to help bring you the things you do want. And this is probably the most useful tool a person who studies the law of attraction can have: instant and powerful reframing about horrible things.

In the law of attraction, knowing what you want and what you don’t want is extremely important. They are the basis for getting what you want. And it’s easy to see that if you think about it for a minute: if you don’t know what you want, then you can never know if you have it or not because you’ve never been looking for anything, you’ve only been looking. This aimless stare is often excruciatingly painful, and even when it’s not painful, it’s rarely helpful.

Very often, I used to get angry because I “didn’t get what I wanted”… until I really thought about it and realized that I didn’t just want that thing: I had also thought of all the possible ways it could go wrong and what could suck about it. He had thought and thought and thought about how he would fail. So much so that if I really achieved my goals, I wasn’t sure what to do. This happened to me when I was a door-to-door salesperson: I was rejected so much that when people wanted to buy, I was surprised, and the first thing I wanted to say was: “Really? Seriously, why?”

And I would think this because I never focused on selling. I always focused on the negative things, like I was messing up or wondering if they were still paying attention or what I would say to my bosses about how they just couldn’t sell.

I hope you get the idea: I focused on the worst. And so my days were constantly filled with nightmares because not only was I drawing them to me in the world, but I was bombarding my mind and emotions with terrible feelings about things that hadn’t happened yet—and might not!

So how did I use this?

I focused on all the things I didn’t want and turned them into positives. For example, a thought I’ve often had is, “I don’t want people to ignore me.” This is an incredibly negative belief because it centers around people ignoring me and my wanting people not to ignore me. I want to be heard! Rather, a better thought, a thought that is a wish that I can have is “I want to captivate people with my words.” And this is a very powerful desire, a desire that permeates all my communication, including this article.

The belief “I hate stupid people” (something I hate to hear) could be transformed into “I want to captivate everyone around me to constantly raise their intelligence level” if you are an idealist like me. Or, of course, “I wish to only interact with people of high intellect for periods longer than seven minutes.” Both are things you want, not things you want to reject.

To do this for yourself, just think about what you don’t want. Then think of its opposite. This is very often something you want. If not, think of something similar until something clicks. You can use this for your worst nightmare as promised above. For example, if you are very afraid of being physically hurt by others, you want safety and for people to respect each other. Or if you’re afraid of drowning, maybe you could learn to swim well. If you’re scared of clowns, you might want to find anything funny, regardless of how it made you feel. There really is no right or wrong, it just catches a more positive thought than the last.

A great secret of the law of attraction is that feeling bad about things and rejecting them is only good if you use it to push things out of your experience. It has no other purpose: it tells you what you don’t want. However, insisting on what you don’t want will attract it to you (even if it’s only in your head…).

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