Knees and your health

July 12, 2023 0 Comments

Have your knees been playing lately? Is it just a sign of aging or can it indicate other problems? When your knees hurt, you find it uncomfortable to move. Walking up and down stairs, kneeling, gardening, dancing, and exercising. All of these and much more are affected. There are many common causes of knee pain. You may have had an injury or just overuse, which means it’s temporary. However, there are other more serious causes such as arthritis. However, some causes are less obvious.

One of the first things to question if you haven’t overused your knees in some way is to watch your weight. Are you overweight and your knees feel the pressure? Did you know that your knees can feel the pressure of up to five times your body weight? So if you are overweight, apart from attending to your diet and some exercise, you need to do some specific muscle strengthening exercises for that area of ​​your body.

Or is it that you are exercising too much or too often? This can put a lot of stress on all the joints and exercise done incorrectly can affect the cartilage and contribute to knee degeneration. That’s why it’s important to warm up and stretch before any exercise and cool down to avoid injury.

Of course, we cannot discount the fact that you are getting older. Age puts stress on all parts of your body. Your muscle mass decreases and so does your body strength, so it’s natural to have some aches and pains if you’re not taking care of yourself. The way to combat this is to have a balanced diet, a balance in your exercise routine, a balance of sleep, relaxation, work and taking the appropriate supplements for your age.

Surprisingly, people who are depressed also tend to have more aches and pains than people who are content with their lifestyle. This is because when you are depressed you tend to neglect your diet, exercise, and social connections. You also tend to meditate and worry more. All of this makes for a more sedentary lifestyle and your muscles are not being exercised properly. Depression has a psychological effect that causes a physiological effect where you don’t move as much and it becomes a cycle of one symptom adding to another. So if you are anxious and depressed, make sure you see a natural therapist who can give you a toolkit on how to manage your depression and some natural supplements to help you feel better.

However, there are diseases that will affect your knees and other parts of your body. Do you have taste? The taste can be controlled with proper diet and supplements. Perhaps it is due to eating a lot of red meat or drinking too much alcohol. Also Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are two diseases of the digestive system that can cause joint pain. There are other diseases that do this too. So always look at your diet first when you don’t feel good in any part of your body. Again, this can be remedied by consulting a naturopath or nutritionist who will give you a suitable diet to control your symptoms.

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