The truth about futon beds

May 12, 2023 0 Comments

Have you ever slept or at least tried to sleep on a futon? You probably woke up the next morning with a sore back or shoulder. I bought a futon about fifteen years ago. I thought it would be great in my little room. It had a sofa to watch TV and a bed all in one. That was until those sleepless nights. I don’t remember much from those days, but what I do remember is DON’T BUY A CHEAP FUTON! Futons can range in price from $99 to over a thousand dollars. It really is quite simple, the more you pay, the more you sleep. And the less you pay, the less you sleep. There are some beautifully made futons that are priced quite high and you really do get what you pay for.

Futons are a great invention. They are great space savers and most of them are built quite well. The misconception most people have about futons is that they are all uncomfortable. Most of those beds are really uncomfortable. They are not intended to be used as a replacement for a normal bed. Think of them as an extra bed for company. There are some futons out there that are actually quite comfortable, they just cost more than the cheaper stereotypes. But the cheapest ones are great if you have guests over and need an extra bed to sleep on. In this situation, comfort is not really an issue, it’s better than sleeping on the floor. But, if you’re buying a futon bed that you’ll sleep on every night, you’re better off spending more money to get a comfortable night’s sleep.

Futons were invented in Japan and designed to be stored in the closet when not in use. The whole idea of ​​turning a bed into a sofa was western and the western futon was also designed much larger than the japanese one and was more like a full size mattress. Futons these days are certainly a far cry from those of the 1970s. Today they are more practical and there have been many changes to make them more comfortable. Basically, a good rule of thumb is to pay somewhere in the middle of the price range depending on what it’s being used for. If it’s going to be used every night, spend a little more, but if it’s only going to be used a couple of times a year, you’re probably safe to spend less money.

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