Why You Need to Split Test Your Squeeze Page When Building a List

March 13, 2023 0 Comments

To be successful in any online business, you must constantly measure, track, and test everything you do to optimize your promotional efforts and improve your return on investment (ROI). This is especially true for your list building efforts, since a large portion of your income will come from those on your lists.

One of the most important steps when building a list is creating a landing page that converts well. To do this, you’ll want to split test each component of your squeeze pages.

When testing your capture page, you’ll need to set up two different pages. It then sends traffic to both. Once you have at least 100 visitors on each capture page, compare the results and discard the worst performing component. Repeat.

PLEASE NOTE: You will want to compare only one component at a time. Otherwise, you won’t know if one of the components you’re testing is malfunctioning and one is working fine.

• Different Types of Capture Pages – There are several different types of capture pages in use on the Internet today. There is the traditional type that uses content, bullet points, a call to action, and a subscription form. Another type is similar to the traditional type but uses audio or video instead of text. Another type that has gained popularity lately is a scenic image with just a compelling headline and a great subscription form. Then there are the combinations of different types but these three are the most popular types. Try different types to find out which one converts best for you.

• Header Chart – You must first compare the results of using a chart or not using a chart. If you find that you get better results using one graphic, then test your header graphic by creating two different graphics and using each on a different compressed page. Then compare which one beats the other. If you can create or purchase additional header graphics, continue to test one graphic against the other until you find one that converts very well.

• Headlines – Write two completely different headlines and use them on separate capture pages. Send traffic to both. Discard the worst performer. Then write a new headline and compare it again with the previous winner. Throw out the worst, write a new one, and compare.

• Tagline – You’ll want to repeat the above procedure for any taglines you include on your landing page.

• Content – ​​Try different ways of saying the same things, your bullets, the order of your bullets, and your call-to-action text on your signup form button or graphic. Also compare different ways to emphasize keywords. Makes bold, highlight, colorization, italics, etc. perform better or worse?

• Bullets: Split test to find out if a bullet, arrow, check mark, etc. Perform better.

• Images – If you include any images, such as a report cover image, compare the results you get from including a chart or not using one. If you get better results using one graph, do a split test of two different ones to find out which one converts better. Split test to find out if a button or graphic works best for your call to action.

• Subscription Form – Your autoresponder service offers many different templates, so try split testing a few of them. Split test wording on button. PLEASE NOTE: Studies have shown that using something like ‘Submit My Report’ leads to better conversions than using ‘Subscribe’ or ‘Submit’.

• Color – One overlooked aspect is the color(s) you use on your landing page. Some colors have been shown to convert better than others. For example, a combination of navy blue and gold works well for both men and women. Do some research to find out which colors will work best for the response you want from your visitors.

• Ethical Bribe Format: Split test the format in which your ethical bribe is delivered (also known as a lead magnet). Test an audio, video, and text version of your ethical snippet against each other. If your ethical bribery doesn’t work well regardless of the format, create a new one and split test the original.

Repeat, repeat, and repeat again, as you can never split the test too much.

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